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Enterprise Architecture and SOA

Part of the "Enterprise Architect in 30 minutes" tour

Sparx Systems supports industry-standard architectural frameworks to facilitate enterprise modeling.

Enterprise architecture frameworks

Framework implementations in Enterprise Architect are based on the UML and its related specifications, which maximizes architectural rigor and allows users to exchange enterprise model information using standards such as XMI. The following architectural frameworks are available as plug-in extensions to Enterprise Architect:

In addition to architectural frameworks, Enterprise Architect has built-in support for The Open Group's latest ArchiMate 2.0 enterprise modeling notation.

Service oriented architecture (SOA)

Enterprise Architect implements the OMG's Service oriented architecture Modeling Language (SoaML), which provides a standards-based approach to modeling SOA solutions using the UML.

As a natural complement to SoaML, Enterprise Architect also supports the Service Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF), which encourages a holistic view of enterprise software entities via a technology-independent notation. The SOMF modeling notation provides an intuitive approach to visualize 'used-to-be', 'as-is' and 'to-be' states of the enterprise service portfolio.

Enterprise Architect and SOA
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XSD and WSDL capability

Enterprise Architect can model, forward engineer and reverse engineer two key W3C technologies: XML Schema (XSD) and Web Service Definition Language (WSDL).

XSD and WSDL support is critical for the development of a complete Service Oriented Architecture. The coupling of UML with XML provides a natural mechanism for specifying, constructing and deploying XML-based SOA artifacts within an organization.

Enterprise Architect's XSD and WSDL capabilities also support BPEL generation from UML models.