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Create Stereotypes Extending non-UML Objects
A Profile is typically defined by extending Core UML object types to create your own modeling language or technology, however you can also extend non-UML objects defined by another existing technology such as Archimate, BPMN, or SysML.
Extending a non-UML object allows inheritance of the following properties from the existing stereotype:
• | Tagged Values |
• | Shape Script |
• | Stereotype Colors |
• | Metatype properties |
Create a Stereotype extending a non-UML Object
Step |
Description |
See also |
1 |
In the Project Browser, locate the package with the <<profile>> stereotype and open it's child diagram. If you do not have an existing <<profile>> package, use the MDG Technology Builder option in the Model Wizard dialog to create a new technology, then open the diagram from the newly created <<profile>> package.
2 |
Drag the Metaclass icon from the Profile page of the Diagram Toolbox onto the diagram. The Extend Metaclass dialog displays.
3 |
Select the Stereotypes tab.
4 |
Select the Profile you wish to extend from the drop list. (E.g. SysML1.3). Check the box next to the non-UML stereotype you want to extend (E.g. block). Click on the OK button. The appropriate Stereotype element is added to the profile diagram.
5 |
Add a new Stereotype by dragging the Add Stereotype Profile Helper from the Diagram Toolbox. Enter a name for your custom stereotype (E.g. myBlock). This will be the custom stereotype which extends the Non-UML type added to the diagram in step 4. When defining this stereotype, do not add any metaclasses to the Extensions field. Click the Next button twice, then click Finish.
6 |
Draw a Generalize connector from the Custom Stereotype added in step 5 to the non-UML Stereotype element added in step 4.
7 |
Save the diagram as a Profile.
8 |
Incorporate the saved Profile into an MDG Technology.
• | When using a shape script to customize the stereotype's appearance you can use drawparentshape() method to render the shape which is defined for the non-UML object being extended. |
• | All non-UML objects themselves are an extension of a UML Type. You can reveal an element's base UML Type by deleting it's stereotypes. For example, create a SysML1.3 Block. Using the Properties Window, delete the Block element's stereotype. The element's Type will change from Block to Class. If the stereotype is used in a toolbox profile then this is the BaseUMLType which should be used when defining the toolbox item. |
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