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Context Filter a Diagram

As you review a modeling diagram, it is possible to click on any element on the diagram and show only those elements that are directly related to the selected element. All other elements are grayed out until you click on the diagram background.

Access     Right-click diagram background | Context Filtering
Diagram Filters window | right-click background | Context Filtering,    or
Diagram Format Toolbar | Context Filter icon


When you enable the option and click on an element, any elements on the diagram that are not directly related to the selected element are grayed out
Setting the context filter applies to all diagrams that are open; you can select an element on each opened (floating) diagram and examine their relationships together
To clear the filtering (but not turn Context Filtering off) press Esc
To select the next element in a direct chain or group of relationships on a diagram, press the Tab key; the Tab key does not take you out of the element group
To select the next element on the diagram, and display that element's related elements, use the arrow keys to move up, down, left or right to the next element in that direction; when moving left or right, the selection tends to be upwards rather than downwards
When you enable the option on the diagram background or Diagram Filters window, it overrides the Diagram Filters settings; to use the Diagram Filters again, toggle the Context Filter menu option off
When you enable the option using the diagram Format Toolbar, it activates the Filter Diagram elements by Name field; if you type text in that field the diagram is filtered according to the text value, but if you leave the field blank the diagram can be filtered according to the relationships of each selected element
Context Filtering can be made even more useful by highlighting the incoming and outgoing relationships in different colors, by pressing and holding the ( L ) key on the selected element

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