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Stereotype Settings

Enterprise Architect has an extensive set of Standard Element Stereotypes that you can apply to any UML construct. Using the Stereotypes tab of the UML Types dialog, a Technical Developer can also customize the stereotypes for your project by adding, modifying and deleting them. For information on customizing stereotypes, see Custom Stereotypes.

Stereotypes can be modified to make use of metafiles (image files) or customized colors, or to make use of the Enterprise Architect Shape Scripts to make new element shapes to determine the shape and dimensions of the element.

Access     Settings | UML Types > Stereotypes

Use to

Add, modify and delete stereotypes
Customize stereotypes' appearance
Update shape scripts and metafiles associated with stereotypes




See also


Specify the name of the stereotype.



Group name

Enable grouping of stereotype features by a plural name, for attributes and operations, which is shown on diagrams in the attribute and operations compartments.



Base Class

Enable the stereotyped element to inherit the base characteristics from a pre-existing element type.




Indicates any notes concerning the stereotype (not the elements to which the stereotype is to be applied).




Switch to the default element appearance.




Enable an image file to be used for the appearance of the stereotype.



Shape Script

Specify custom shapes for the stereotype using the Enterprise Architect Shape Scripting language.


Shape Scripts


Add the associated metafile or Shape Script from the stereotyped element.




Remove the associated metafile or Shape Script from the stereotyped element.




Set the default background color of the element.

This color will be applied to all occurrences of any element to which the stereotype has been applied; if the color is subsequently changed, the change is immediately applied to all occurrences of any element to which the stereotype was applied (as for changes to any other property of the stereotype).

However, on elements created with the stereotype, the default color might be overridden by other color definitions of a higher priority that have been applied to the element, such as the Format Toolbar fill definition or the Alternative Appearance dialog (F4) definition.





Format Toolbar

Set an Element's Default Appearance



Control the border color.




Control the color of the stereotype font.




Reset the appearance of the element to the default element appearance.




Provides a visual representation of the currently active Stereotype.




Enables a new stereotype to be created.




Saves the Stereotype details and adds the Stereotype to the Defined Stereotypes list.




Removes a Stereotype from the Defined Stereotypes list.



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