Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Element Options in the Project Browser
Right-click on an element (such as Class, Object, Activity or State) in the Project Browser to display the element's context menu.
Command |
Action |
Shortcut |
See also |
Scripts |
List the scripts enabled for execution directly from the Project Browser. (This option does not display if no Project Browser scripts exist.)
Properties |
View and modify the element properties.
Add |
Create a child element and diagram (Classifier elements) or a connector to another element.
Find In All Diagrams |
Locate the element in all open diagrams. This option also operates on Port and Part Property Type Classifiers.
Ctrl+U |
Locate in Current Diagram |
Select the element in the currently-visible diagram. If the element is not in the diagram, this option is grayed-out.
Linked Document |
Create or edit a Linked Document (Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions).
Ctrl+Alt+D |
Delete Linked Document
Delete the linked document attached to the selected element. |
View Audit History |
Open the Audit View to see a history of changes made to the selected element.
Add Custom Reference |
Set up cross references between elements in a diagram and the selected element in the Project Browser.
Ctrl+J |
Copy Element(s) to Clipboard |
Copy the selected element or elements to the clipboard to be pasted into another package in this .eap file or another .eap file. (Use the Package | Paste element(s) from Clipboard context menu option to paste the elements into the new location.)
Copy Reference |
Copy a reference to the element to the Enterprise Architect clipboard. Select the appropriate sub-option to copy the:
Copy RTF Bookmark |
Copy a bookmark in RTF format to the clipboard.
Cut |
Remove the selected element from its parent package, to be pasted under another element or package. The element remains where it is until the Paste operation is invoked.
Ctrl+X |
Paste |
Paste a cut element under the selected element. If the selected element is not a valid target, the Paste option is grayed out. (This option is not available for copied elements - use the Package | Paste element(s) from Clipboard context menu option.)
Ctrl+V |
Paste Diagram |
Pastes a copy of a diagram from the clipboard as a child diagram of the selected element. The Copy Diagram dialog displays, offering the choice between a shallow copy and a deep copy.
Lock |
Apply or Release a lock for editing the selected element. (Option only displayed when user security is enabled in User/Group locking mode)
Apply/Release User Lock |
Apply or release a user lock on the selected element. (Option only displayed when user security is enabled in Require User Lock to Edit locking mode)
Attributes |
Display the Attribute dialog ready to create a new attribute.
Operations |
Display the Operations dialog ready to create a new operation.
Execution Analyzer |
Provides a submenu of options to:
Recording Activity For a Class
Generate Code |
Generate the source code for this element.
F11 |
Synchronize with Code |
Synchronize the element in the Project Browser with the source code. You can also synchronize Class elements from the source code on a diagram, and reverse engineer or forward engineer model packages and code to synchronize them and incorporate changes made in one but not in the other. |
F7 |
Operation Menu - Project Browser
View Source Code |
View the source code of the element.
F12 |
Open Source Directory |
Open the source directory containing the source code for the element.
Ctrl+Alt+Y |
Rule Composer |
For a Rule Task element, invoke the Rule Composer in Business Rule Modeling.
Move Up |
Move the element up in the list of elements within this package.
Move Down |
Move the element down in the list of elements within this package.
Delete <element Name>
Delete the element. |
Help |
Display the Help topic for the Project Browser.