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Navigate: Exploring Your Model



Navigating is the process of systematically exploring the structure of your model using the hierarchical and list based views, such as the Project Browser. It is particularly useful when you are familiar with the structure of a model and its packaged contents. Whereas Searching provides a flat and random set of results, the Project and Package Browsers provide a highly structured viewpoint, reflecting the exact structure of your model.




Use the Project Browser, the main interface element for exploring and navigating your model

The Project Browser

Project Browser Context Menus

Project Browser Toolbar


The Package Browser -  a tabular, editable view of elements in a selected package, which can be displayed in the main workspace


Package Browser

The Diagram List - a tabular, editable view of elements in a selected diagram, which can be displayed in the main workspace


Diagram List

Use Model Views to provide different perspectives and 'entry points' into your model


Model Views

Set up a Diagram Slide show


Diagram Slide Show

Use the Pan and Zoom window to navigate around very large diagrams


The Pan & Zoom Window