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Package Browser

If you want to quickly create and operate on elements in a package, you can use the Package Browser as a workbench. The Package Browser is a tabular, editable view of the elements in a selected package, which can be displayed either in the Diagram View or as a floating window, and as either a List display or a Gantt chart. It can be particularly useful for setting up a package for a specific purpose, such as when an Analyst creates and maintains formal requirement definitions within the model. When you have checked the contents of the package, you can either print the list of elements or generate an RTF report on all or a subset of the elements.

The Package Browser is related to, and can be used in conjunction with, the Diagram List, which lists the elements in a selected diagram.

Access    Project Browser > package | View | Package Browser ( Ctrl+Alt+R )
                  Project Browser > right-click package | Package Browser
                  Diagram > right-click package | Package Browser




See also

Select Standard View or Gantt View

When you select one of the menu paths, above, a submenu displays for you to select the Standard View of the Package Browser, or the Gantt View.

Standard (or List) View lists all the elements in the package, with their properties; it has two formats, in which the elements are either grouped by model hierarchy or grouped (by you) according to one or more properties
Gantt View lists all the elements in the package, grouped by model hierarchy, but showing the percent-completion of all tasks associated with each element with the work timeline for each element and for each resource assigned to work on the element

Once you have displayed one of these views, you can switch to the other by right-clicking on the display and selecting the appropriate context menu option:

Switch to List View or
Switch to Gantt View





Element View

The Gantt View




Package Browser Options

Switch Standard View Formats

In Standard View, the Package Browser has two formats:

User Defined format, initially a flat list, where you can define how the element information is grouped on the screen using the value-grouping band below the toolbar
Model Hierarchy format, where the elements are already organized into their package and element hierarchies in the display

You switch between these formats using the Show Hierarchy button ( HierarchyIcon ) in the toolbar.



List Header

Change Standard View display

It is possible to reorganize the information in the Project Browser in a number of ways:

In User Defined format, sort the items by any column value in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the column header; initially the elements are listed in numerical order (if level numbering is turned on in the Project Browser) or alphabetical order within type
In User Defined format, apply a diagram filter for elements (the Fade, Gray Scale and Hide modes reduce the number of elements listed; Select mode has no effect)
In either format, change the sequence of columns by dragging column headers left or right
In Model Hierarchy format, the Name column is always on the left; you cannot move any other column into that position, although you can rearrange the order of the rest of the columns
Because of this, if you group or sort information in User Defined format and switch to Model Hierarchy format your information structure is altered, and it is not restored when you switch back to User Defined format






Diagram filters

Show Elements in a Child Package

Double-click on the child package in the list to re-focus the display, showing the contents of that package only.

In either format, click on the ShowNestPackIcon button in the toolbar to expand or collapse the contents of the child packages.



Display Element Properties


Double-click on the element line to display the element Properties dialog.


Select Items


an element by clicking on it
a specific value by clicking twice on it (not double-clicking); either the value becomes directly editable (overtype or select from drop-down) or the Properties dialog displays in which you can edit the value
several individual elements by holding ( Ctrl ) as you click on them
a range of elements by holding ( Shift )  as you click on the first and last in the range



Add new items to the package

Click on a listed element and press ( Ctrl+N ) or ( Insert ), or right-click and select the Add New context menu option. The New Element dialog displays; complete the fields and click on the Create button.

In Model Hierarchy format, the new element is inserted as a sibling of the selected element, in its parent package
In User Defined format, the new element is added to the root package selected for display in the Package Browser


Add Elements Directly to Packages

Add a child element to the selected element

Click on the selected element and press ( Ctrl+Shift+N ).

The New Element dialog displays; complete the fields and click on the Create button.

in Model Hierarchy format, the new element is inserted as a child of the selected element
in User Defined format, the new element is added to the root package selected for display in the  Package Browser


Add Elements Directly to Packages

Add elements to the Package Browser

Drag the required elements from anywhere in the Project Browser. The element is listed in the Package Browser, and moved into the target package in the Project Browser.

You can also drag elements from the Package Browser into a package in the Project Browser, in either List view or Gantt view.



Add elements to a diagram from the Package Browser

In either List view or Gantt view, you can drag one or more elements from the Package Browser onto a diagram to immediately create an instance of each element on the diagram (and in the Project Browser for the diagram's parent package).

Click each element (pressing Ctrl or Shift for multiple selections) to select it before dragging it onto the diagram.

One advantage of dragging elements from the Gantt view is that it provides the additional filter on task or resource, so that you can isolate elements to be copied to a diagram or package specific to a task or resource.



Delete elements from the list

Select the item and press ( Ctrl+D ). This deletes the element from all diagrams and from the model itself.

In Model Hierarchy format, you cannot delete a parent element until all its child elements have been removed or deleted.



Include each element's notes (documentation)

Notes are shown underneath the element.

To add or edit notes, click on the item and press ( Ctrl+Shift+Space ) to transfer control to the Notes window, in which you create or edit the note text.

Alternatively, right-click on the element line and select the Edit Notes context menu option.


Package Browser Options

Review the element's custom (advanced) properties


Click on the item and press ( Ctrl+Enter ).

The Custom Properties dialog for the element displays.


Further Work

You can do further work on the Package Browser using the toolbar and context menu options.

Package Browser Options


Learn more