Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Review Source and Target Elements
As you review the information on relationships in the Relationship Matrix, you can also obtain information on the source and target elements in any of the relationships.
Access View | Relationship Matrix
Review the elements
Action |
Detail |
See also |
Identify other elements in relationships with a source or target element |
Click on the source or target element name in the row or column titles. The entire row or column is highlighted. Scroll across or down the highlighted row or column and quickly identify where the relationships are; this is very useful if the row or column is long.
Display the Properties dialog for the selected element
Right-click on the element name and select the Properties context menu option. |
Identify diagrams in which the element is used |
Right-click on the element name and select the Find in Diagrams context menu option. Either:
Highlight the element name in the Project Browser |
Right-click on the element name and select the Locate in Project Browser option. The Project Browser expands to the location of the element, and the element name is highlighted.
Make the element the focus in any docked screens or windows that are open
Right-click on the element name and select the Set Context Item option; the selected element becomes the subject of any other windows or screens that are open. |
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