Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Set Source and Target Package

Before you display relationships on the Relationship Matrix, you set both the source and target packages containing the elements between which the relationships might exist. However, you set the source and target packages after setting the element and connector types/details; as the Relationship Matrix refreshes after each change, this is usually faster. You can set the same package as the source and target, to investigate relationships within a package, or different source and target packages to investigate relationships between packages.

When deciding on which packages to investigate and how to filter the matrix contents, consider that:

The Relationship Matrix includes all child elements in each package, within the criteria you specify; in a large model, with less-specific filters, this can expand the matrix with a large number of elements
On the other hand, if you want to examine relationships within the package structure, you can select options to include elements in child packages under either the source package or the target package, or both

Access    View | Relationship Matrix or
Project Browser Package Context Menu | Documentation | Open in Relationship Matrix | As Source  or  | As Target

Set source and target packages



See also


If you select the first access option


In the Project Browser, click on the required source package, then press and hold ( Ctrl ) and click on the required target package, to select the two packages together.




Drag the selected packages over the Source and Target fields.

The first-selected package name displays in the Source field, and the second-selected package name displays in the Target field.




Alternatively, if you use the second access option


Select and drag a single package name over the remaining Source OR Target field, to change just the source or the target package.

If you drop the package name anywhere else on the Relationship Matrix, the system prompts you to specify whether to add it to the Source or Target field, or both.






Click on the ( ... )  (Browse) button at the end of the Source or Target field.

A short menu displays, with options to:

Locate a package using the Browse Project dialog or
Run a Model Search (selected from a drop-down list) on a search term; the name of the search is displayed in the Source or Target field
The target of the search depends on whether the Return matching items for the selected Package option is selected in the Search definition; if it is selected, the search operates on the current package, otherwise the search operates on the whole model


It is possible to browse for a package in one field and run a search in the other.







Advanced Search Options


Select the required package, or the required Model Search and search term, and click on the OK button.



In all cases, the Relationship Matrix immediately:

Populates the axes with the elements identified in the Source and Target packages or searches that meet the selection criteria, and
Shows any relationships between the sets of elements that also meet the selection criteria

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