Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Identify Who Has Locked An Object

When you are working in your model, you might find that you are unable to update an element, diagram or package. If you cannot update any object, this might mean that you do not have the access permissions to update diagrams or elements. However, if the object in the Project Browser has a red exclamation mark next to it this indicates that either another person has placed a user or group lock on the object, or you or another user have put a full lock on the object.

You can quickly establish if the lock is a full lock (which you can remove) or which user has set a user or group lock.


Project Browser | Package context menu | Lock
Project Browser | Diagram context menu | Lock
Project Browser | Element context menu | Lock

Identify the lock holder



See also


In the Project Browser, right-click on the diagram, package or element that has a red lock indicator, and select the Lock option.

If the lock is:

A Full lock, the Lock <object> dialog displays, and you can delete the lock and set your own
A user lock or group lock, a message displays showing the user ID of the person or group who currently holds the lock on that item; click on the OK button to clear the lock



Lock Objects Under User/Group Locking

Lock Packages Under User/Group Locking