Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Move or Copy Tests Between Categories
After you define a test within one test category (Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance or Scenario), you might decide that the test either is better suited to another category, or forms a good template for tests in other categories. If so, you can either move or copy the test to the other categories.
Access Select element | Element | Testing (Alt+3) > <test type tab> | right-click on test in list to move/copy or
Select element | Element | Element Browser (Alt+9) > Testing folder | right-click on test to move/copy
Move or copy a test
Step |
Action |
See also |
1 |
Click on the appropriate option - Move to or Copy to. A list of test categories displays.
2 |
Click on the test category to which to move or copy the test. A confirmatory prompt displays.
3 |
Click on the Yes button to confirm the move or copy.
4 |
Click on the target tab of the Testing window to ensure that the test has been added, and make any necessary changes.
5 |
If you are copying the test to more than one other category, repeat steps 1 to 4 for the next category to copy to.
• | If you move or copy a test into the Scenario category, some unassociated data could be lost |
Learn more
Learning Center topics
• | (Alt+F1) | Testing | Testing | Changing Test Category |