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Migrate BPMN 1.0 Model to BPMN 1.1

It is possible to migrate a BPMN 1.0 model (or part of a model) to BPMN 1.1 or BPMN1.1::BPEL, using the Automation Interface. There are two functions you can use:

· proj.MigrateToBPMN11 sGUID, "BPMN"
· proj.MigrateToBPMN11 sGUID, "BPEL"
· proj.Migrate sGUID, "BPMN", "BPMN1.1"
· proj.Migrate sGUID, "BPMN", "BPMN1.1::BPEL"

These functions update the Tagged Values and, if required, stereotypes to BPMN 1.1 for all elements, attributes, connectors and diagrams under the selected Package or element.


The following VB script calls the MigrateToBPMN11() function to migrate the Tagged Values to BPMN 1.1:

Sub MigrateElement (sGUID, lngPackageID)


 Dim proj as EA.Project

 set proj = Repository.GetProjectInterface

 proj.MigrateToBPMN11 sGUID, "BPMN"


 'refresh the model

 If lngPackageID<>0 Then

         Repository.RefreshModelView (lngPackageID)

 End If


End Sub


Sub MigrateSelectedItem


 Dim selType

 Dim selElement as EA.Element

 Dim selPackage as EA.Package


 selType = GetTreeSelectedItemType


 If selType = 4 Then 'means Element

         set selElement = GetTreeSelectedObject

         MigrateElement selElement.ElementGUID, selElement.PackageID

         MsgBox "Complete",0,"BPMN 1.1 Migration"


 ElseIf selType = 5 Then 'means Package

         set selPackage = GetTreeSelectedObject

         MigrateElement selPackage.PackageGUID, selPackage.PackageID

         MsgBox "Complete",0,"BPMN 1.1 Migration"



         MsgBox "Select a Package or Element in the Project Browser to initiate migration",0,"BPMN 1.1 Migration"


 End If


End Sub


Sub Main




End Sub





·In BPMN 1.0, various tags have free-text direct-entry value fields, and you can provide additional information on these tags in the Tagged Value Note dialog, for display at the bottom of the Tagged Values window
In BPMN 1.1, some of these tags (such as the Categories tag on a BusinessProcess stereotyped element) have been changed to Memo type, and you use the Tagged Value Note dialog to enter the value; therefore, you cannot have additional notes for these tags, all information must be within the tag's value
·For such tags, when migrating from BPMN 1.0 to BPMN 1.1, the BPMN 1.0 tag value is moved into the BPMN 1.1 tag Notes field and the BPMN 1.0 tag notes are discarded; if you want to preserve the tag notes text, take a copy of the BPMN 1.0 model before migration to enable you to copy the tag notes text into the tag value after migration

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