Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
MDG Technology SDK
Using Enterprise Architect, you can develop models based on the standard UML specifications, and you can extend the core UML structures using UML-supported mechanisms such as Tagged Values, Stereotypes, Profiles and Design Patterns. These facilities are within the Enterprise Architect core technologies, and you can activate and use further Model Driven Generation (MDG) Technologies that are either integrated with the system or available from external locations. However, if your systems or work domain require further specialization you, as a Technology Developer, can use Enterprise Architect to develop your own customized modeling languages and solutions.
· | In developing your technologies, you need to be familiar with the modeling structures and concepts of the core system and extension mechanisms as they impact and are used by the people you are designing the technology for; that is, the system as described in the modeling sections of this User Guide |
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