UML Profiles in the Resources Window
The Resources window contains a tree structure with entries for a range of items including UML Profiles. The UML Profiles node initially contains no entries; to be able to use Profiles from the Resources window you must import them into the project from external XML files.
Items in a Profile represent stereotypes. These can be applied to UML elements in the following ways:
· | Stereotypes that apply to elements such as Classes and interfaces can be dragged directly from the Resources window to the current diagram, automatically creating a stereotyped element; alternatively, they can be dragged onto existing elements, automatically applying them to the element |
· | Stereotypes that apply to attributes can be drag-and-dropped onto a host element (such as a Class); a stereotyped attribute is automatically added to the element's feature list |
· | Stereotypes that apply to operations are like those that apply to attributes; drag-and-drop onto a host element to add the stereotyped operation |
· | Stereotypes that apply to connectors such as associations, generalizations, messages and dependencies are added by selecting them in the Resources window, then clicking on the start element in a diagram and dragging to the end element (in the same manner as adding normal connectors); a stereotyped connector is added |
· | Stereotypes that apply to association ends can be added by dragging the connector end element over the end of an Association in the diagram
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