Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Set Default Behavior

The General page of the Options dialog provides several options for altering the look and behavior of the Project Browser.

Access    Tools | Options | General





See also

Double-click On Browser

Shows Properties

When an item in the Project Browser is double-clicked, the item's Properties dialog (if available) displays.



Opens Branch

When an item in the Project Browser is double-clicked, the hierarchy expands to show the item's children.

If there are no children, nothing happens.



Opens Branch & Diagram

As above, but also opens the first diagram beneath the item, if applicable.



Project Browser

Allow Free Sorting

Enables you to re-order elements within a Package regardless of type, within the Project Browser.


Order Package Contents

Show Stereotypes

When a stereotype is defined for an element, the stereotype name then displays in front of the element name.

You set the stereotype of an element in its Properties dialog.

Shut down and restart Enterprise Architect to enable this change to take effect.