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Apply Stereotypes

During the course of your modeling, you may decide that an existing object needs a stereotype applied. Enterprise Architect allows new stereotypes to be applied to objects by themselves or in combination with other stereotypes. You will do this through the 'Stereotype' field on:

  • The object's 'Properties' dialog or
  • For an element, the element 'Properties' window

Access Double-click on object > General

Click on element | Element | Properties Window (Alt+1)

Apply stereotype to object, using Stereotype field on Properties dialog

Use any one of these steps:



See also


Type the stereotype(s) to apply as a comma-separated list.

The system checks the loaded and enabled Profiles and Technologies, and the Stereotypes table, for a  stereotype with a matching name and base type. If it finds a match, it links to that stereotype and applies the effects. If it doesn't find a match, it creates a new stereotype name in the Stereotypes table and links to that - the stereotype acting as a simple label.


  • If you don't want the element's stereotype to match with an identically named stereotype located by the system, either:
         -  Disable the Technology that owns the stereotype
         -  Unload the Profile that owns the stereotype, or
         -  Delete the stereotype from the stereotypes table
  • If you do want the stereotype to match to a specific stereotype in a Profile or Technology, load the Profile or enable the Technology.


Click on the drop-down arrow and select the required (single) stereotype from the list.


Click on the button at the right of the field, and use the 'Stereotype Selector' dialog.

Stereotype Selector

Apply stereotype to element using Stereotype field on Properties window

Use any one of these steps:



See also


Type the stereotype(s) to apply as a comma-separated list.

The system checks the loaded and enabled Profiles and Technologies, and the Stereotypes table, for a  stereotype with a matching name and base type. If it finds a match, it links to that stereotype and applies the effects. If it doesn't find a match, it creates a new stereotype name in the Stereotypes table and links to that - the stereotype acting as a simple label.


  • If you don't want the element's stereotype to match with an identically named stereotype located by the system, either:
         -  Disable the Technology that owns the stereotype
         -  Unload the Profile that owns the stereotype, or
         -  Delete the stereotype from the stereotypes table
  • If you do want the stereotype to match to a specific stereotype in a Profile or Technology, load the Profile or enable the Technology.


Click on the drop-down arrow and select the required stereotype from the list.


Select the 'browse other stereotypes...' option at the end of the drop-down list to use the 'Stereotype Selector' dialog.

Stereotype Selector

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