Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Diagram Navigation Hotkeys

Whilst you are working on a diagram, a number of facilities are also available to you through the keyboard keys. Some of these facilities are exclusively provided by keyboard keys - the diagram navigation hotkeys - which you can use to quickly move or operate on elements within a diagram.


Key Combination



Move the selected element(s) by increments (in the direction of the arrow)

Arrow key

Scroll the diagram (in the direction of the arrow)


Clear the current selection

Tab key

(If no element is selected) Select the element with the lowest Z-Order number - the furthest back in the diagram

(If an element is selected) Move focus to the element with the next-lowest Z Order number (coming forward out of the diagram)


(If no element is selected) Select the element with the highest Z-Order number - the furthest forward in the diagram

(If an element is selected) Move focus to the element with the next-highest Z Order number (moving back into the diagram)

Shift+click or Ctrl+click

Add the clicked element to the current selection

Ctrl+Shift +drag

Pan the diagram


Locate the item in the Project Browser and highlight it

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