Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.


A BPMN 2.0 Activity represents work that is performed within a Process. An Activity can be modeled as a:

  • Sub-Process - a compound Activity that is defined as a flow of other BPMN 2.0 elements or
  • Task - an atomic Activity that cannot be broken down into a smaller unit

Activities - both Tasks and Sub-Processes - can also, optionally, act as Looping constructs. The OMG BPMN 2.0 Specification defines two types of Looping construct:

  • Standard Loop (while or until)
  • Multi-Instance Loop (for each)

BPEL Properties

  • Double-click on the Activity in the BPEL diagram
  • Right-click on the Activity | BPEL | BPEL 2.0 Properties




See also


Type a name for the Activity.


Specify whether the Activity is a:

  • Task or
  • Sub-Process

Task Type / SubProcess Type

Depending on the value selected in the 'Type' field, the 'Task Type / SubProcess Type' field has these values:

  • Task Type:
         -  Abstract
         -  Business Rule
         -  Manual
         -  Receive
         -  Script
         -  Send
         -  Service
         -  User
  • SubProcess Type:
         -  Ad-Hoc
         -  Call Activity
         -  Compensation
         -  Embedded
         -  Event
         -  Transaction

Details Tab

Depending on the selected Task Type, the 'Details' tab changes:

Receive / Send / Service Task Type

  • Pool Package - Select the Package that represents one of the involved Participants
  • Operation - Select an Operation from the list of operation(s) in the selected Pool Package


(Optional) Select one or more Assignment elements created in the SupportingElements Package in this tab.

SupportingElements Assignment

Loop Details

(Optional) Activities can be repeated sequentially, behaving like a Loop. Specify the Activity looping details in this tab.

  • Loop Type - Select 'Standard' for creating a 'while' or 'until' loop, or 'MultiInstance' for creating a 'for each' loop
  • Evaluate condition at the beginning of loop - Check this option to create a 'while' Standard loop; defaults to unselected for an 'until' loop
  • Loop Condition - Enter a boolean condition for a Standard loop or a numeric condition for a MultiInstance loop
  • Loop Maximum - (Optional) Specify the maximum value for the loop evaluation for a Standard loop
  • Loop Ordering - For a MultiInstanceLoop Type select 'Parallel' for generating instances in parallel, or 'Sequential for generating instances in sequence


Click on this button to save the values entered in the dialog.


Click on this button to discard the values entered in the dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help topic.


Click on this button to open the 'UML Properties' dialog.



  • The 'Assignments' tab is not applicable for Sub-Process
  • The 'Loop Details' tab is not applicable for Event Sub-Process
  • Business Rule, Manual, Script and User Task types cannot be mapped to BPEL 2.0
  • Ad-Hoc, Call Activity and Transaction Sub-Process types cannot be mapped to BPEL 2.0