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Merge Package with XMI

If you are working in a distributed environment, each modeler could be working on a separate file copied (as an XMI export/import) from the master model. At intervals you would want to bring each person's work back into the master model. One way of doing this is to also export each modeler's copy as an XMI file, and import and merge each file in turn with the corresponding Package in the master model.

The logical next step would be to again export the master model as an XMI file so that each modeler could then import that into their copy to synchronize their model with the latest version of the whole team's work. However, if any of the team have continued to work on their copy, they can also merge the 'master' XMI file with their copy so that they do not overwrite their latest work.

Access Project | Model Import/Export | Import Package From XMI   (Ctrl+Alt+I): Use Merge File

Merge Package options



See also


Displays the name of the currently-selected Package, the contents of which will be merged with the imported XMI file.

If this is not the required Package, click on the button and select the correct Package.

XMI File

Type in the directory path and filename of the XMI file, or click on the Browse button and locate the file.

Merge File

Type in or browse to the directory path and filename of the merge file, generated using the 'Export Package to XMI' dialog.

The field defaults to show the merge file in the same location as the XMI file.

Export to XMI

Baseline Package before Merge

Select the checkbox to show the 'Create Baseline' dialog, to baseline the selected Package before merging the XMI file.

You can use this baseline to roll back to the content of the pre-merged Package, if required.

Manage Baselines

Compare Package with Baseline after Merge

Select the checkbox to automatically compare the Package with the Baseline once the merge is complete.

This checkbox is enabled when the 'Baseline Package before Merge' option has been selected.


Click on this button to merge the Package and its contents with the contents of the XMI file.


Click on this button to close the 'Merge Package with XMI' dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help page.

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