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Object State

Set the Object state for a Class instance




Right-click on the required Object and select the 'Advanced | Set Object State' option.

The 'Set Instance State' dialog displays.


In the 'State' field, either type the required State (such as 'Awaiting Approval') or select a State from the drop-down list.

The drop-down list for the 'State' field is populated with:

  • Any States owned by the object's classifier
  • Any States owned by any superclasses of the object's classifier
  • Any States owned by StateMachines owned by the object's classifier
  • Any States owned by StateMachines owned by any superclasses of the object's classifier


Below the 'State' field is the 'Merge State with Instance Name' checkbox, which defaults to unselected. Either:

  • Ignore the checkbox to display the object state on the element beneath the object name

  • Or select the checkbox to display the object state on the element as a suffix to the object name


Click on the OK button to apply the State.

The object now shows the run-time state in the format you have selected.