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Connector Field Substitution Macros
This table lists each of the connector field substitution macros.
Field substitution macros are named according to Camel casing. Macros that represent checkboxes return a value of 'T' if the box is selected. Otherwise the value is empty.
Connector Macros
Macro Name |
Description |
See also |
connectorAlias |
Connector 'Properties' dialog: 'Alias' field. |
connectorAssociationClassElemGUID |
The GUID of the connector's Association Class element. |
connectorAssociationClassElemName |
The name of the connector's Association Class element. |
connectorDestAccess |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Access. |
connectorDestAggregation |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Aggregation. |
connectorDestAlias |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Alias. |
connectorDestAllowDuplicates |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: 'Allow Duplicates' checkbox. |
connectorDestChangeable |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Changeable. |
connectorDestConstraint |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Constraint(s). |
connectorDestContainment |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Containment. |
connectorDestDerived |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: 'Derived' checkbox. |
connectorDestDerivedUnion |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: 'DerivedUnion' checkbox. |
connectorDestElem* |
A set of macros that access a property of the element at the target end of a connector. The * (asterisk) is a wildcard that corresponds to any Class substitution macro in the Class macro list. For example:
Class Field Substitution Macros |
connectorDestElemType |
The element type of the connector destination element. (Separate from the connectorDestElem* macros because there is no classType substitution macro.) |
connectorDestFeature* |
A set of macros that access a property of the feature at the target end of a connector. The * (asterisk) is a wildcard that corresponds to any attribute or operation substitution macro in the Attribute macro or Operation macro list, depending on the connectorDestFeatureType. For example:
Attribute Field Substitution Macros Operation Field Substitution Macros |
connectorDestFeatureType |
The type of the connector destination feature.
connectorDestMemberType |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Member Type. |
connectorDestMultiplicity |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Multiplicity. |
connectorDestNavigability |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Navigability. |
connectorDestNotes |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Role Notes. |
connectorDestOrdered |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: 'Ordered' checkbox. |
connectorDestOwned |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: 'Owned' checkbox. |
connectorDestQualifier |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Qualifier(s). |
connectorDestRole |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Role. |
connectorDestScope |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Target Scope. |
connectorDestStereotype |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Target Role' tab: Stereotype. |
connectorDirection |
Connector Properties: Direction. |
connectorEffect |
'Transition Constraints' dialog: 'Effect' field. |
connectorGuard |
'Object Flow' and 'Transition Constraints' dialogs: 'Guard' field. |
connectorGUID |
The unique GUID for the current connector. |
connectorIsAssociationClass |
True, if the connector is an AssociationClass connector. |
connectorName |
Connector Properties: Name. |
connectorNotes |
Connector Properties: Notes. |
connectorSourceAccess |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Access. |
connectorSourceAggregation |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Aggregation. |
connectorSourceAlias |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Alias. |
connectorSourceAllowDuplicates |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Allow Duplicates checkbox. |
connectorSourceChangeable |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Changeable. |
connectorSourceConstraint |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Constraint(s). |
connectorSourceContainment |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Containment. |
connectorSourceDerived |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: 'Derived' checkbox. |
connectorSourceDerivedUnion |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: 'DerivedUnion' checkbox. |
connectorSourceElem* |
A set of macros that access a property of the element at the source end of a connector. The * (asterisk) is a wildcard that corresponds to any Class substitution macro in the Class macro list. For example:
Class Field Substitution Macros |
connectorSourceElemType |
The element type of the connector source element. (Separate from the connectorSourceElem* macros because there is no classType substitution macro.) |
connectorSourceFeature* |
A set of macros that access a property of the feature at the source end of a connector. The * (asterisk) is a wildcard that corresponds to any attribute or operation substitution macro in the Attribute macro or Operation macro list, depending on the connectorSourceFeatureType. For example:
Attribute Field Substitution Macros Operation Field Substitution Macros |
connectorSourceFeatureType |
The type of the connector source feature.
connectorSourceMemberType |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Member Type. |
connectorSourceMultiplicity |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Multiplicity. |
connectorSourceNavigability |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Navigability. |
connectorSourceNotes |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Role Notes. |
connectorSourceOrdered |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: 'Ordered' checkbox. |
connectorSourceOwned |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: 'Owned' checkbox. |
connectorSourceQualifier |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Qualifier(s). |
connectorSourceRole |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Role. |
connectorSourceScope |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Target Scope. |
connectorSourceStereotype |
Connector 'Properties' dialog, 'Source Role' tab: Stereotype. |
connectorStereotype |
Connector 'Properties' dialog: 'Stereotype' field. |
connectorTrigger |
'Transition Constraints' dialog: 'Trigger' field. |
connectorType |
The connector type; f or example, Association or Generalization. |
connectorWeight |
'Object Flow Constraints' dialog: 'Weight' field. |