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Code Generation Option Field Substitution Macros
Code generation option field substitution macros operate on the source code generation options defined in the 'Source Code Engineering' pages of either the:
- 'Preferences' dialog ('Start > View > Preferences> Source Code Engineering') for user-specific options, or
- 'Manage Project Options' dialog ('Configure > Model > Options') for model-specific options
For more information on the division of the options, see the Source Code Engineering Options topic.
Field substitution macros are named according to Camel casing. Macros that represent checkboxes return a value of 'T' if the box is selected. Otherwise the value is empty. This table lists each of the code generation option field substitution macros.
Code Generation Option Macros
Macro Name |
Description |
See also |
genOptActionScriptVersion |
ActionScript Specifications page: Default Version. |
ActionScript Options - Model |
genOptCDefaultAttributeType |
C Specifications page: Default Attribute Type. |
C Options - User |
genOptCGenMethodNotesInBody |
C Specifications page: Method Notes In Implementation. |
C Options - User |
genOptCGenMethodNotesInHeader |
C Specifications page: Method Notes In Header. |
C Options - User |
genOptCSynchNotes |
C Specifications page: Synchronize Notes in Generation. |
C Options - User |
genOptCSynchCFile |
C Specifications page: Synchronise Implementation file in Generation. |
C Options - User |
genOptCDefaultSourceDirectory |
C Specifications page: Default Source Directory. |
C Options - User |
genOptCNamespaceDelimiter |
C Specifications page: Namespace Delimiter. |
C Options - Model |
genOptCOperationRefParam |
C Specifications page: Reference as Operation Parameter. |
C Options - Model |
genOptCOperationRefParamStyle |
C Specifications page: Reference Parameter Style. |
C Options - Model |
genOptCOperationRefParamName |
C Specifications page: Reference Parameter Name. |
C Options - Model |
genOptCConstructorName |
C Specifications page: Default Constructor Name. |
C Options - Model |
genOptCDestructorName |
C Specifications page: Default Destructor Name. |
C Options - Model |
genOptCPPCommentStyle |
C++ Specifications page: Comment Style. |
C++ Options - User |
genOptCPPDefaultAttributeType |
C++ Specifications page: Default Attribute Type. |
C++ Options - User |
genOptCPPDefaultReferenceType |
C++ Specifications page: Default Reference Type. |
C++ Options - Model |
genOptCPPDefaultSourceDirectory |
C++ Specifications page: Default Source Directory. |
C++ Options - User |
genOptCPPGenMethodNotesInHeader |
C++ Specifications page: 'Method Notes In Header' checkbox. |
C++ Options - User |
genOptCPPGenMethodNotesInBody |
C++ Specifications page: Method Notes In Body checkbox. |
C++ Options - User |
genOptCPPGetPrefix |
C++ Specifications page: Get Prefix. |
C++ Options - Model |
genOptCPPHeaderExtension |
C++ Specifications page: Header Extension. |
C++ Options - Model |
genOptCPPSetPrefix |
C++ Specifications page: Set Prefix. |
C++ Options - Model |
genOptCPPSourceExtension |
C++ Specifications page: Source Extension. |
C++ Options - Model |
genOptCPPSynchNotes |
C++ Specifications page: Synchronize Notes. |
C++ Options - User |
genOptCPPSynchCPPFile |
C++ Specifications page: Synchronize CPP File. |
C++ Options - User |
genOptCSDefaultAttributeType |
C# Specifications page: Default Attribute Type. |
C# Options - User |
genOptCSSourceExtension |
C# Specifications page: Default file extension. |
C# Options - Model |
genOptCSGenDispose |
C# Specifications page: Generate Dispose. |
C# Options - User |
genOptCSGenFinalizer |
C# Specifications page: Generate Finalizer. |
C# Options - User |
genOptCSGenNamespace |
C# Specifications page: Generate Namespace. |
C# Options - User |
genOptCSDefaultSourceDirectory |
C# Specifications page: Default Source Directory. |
C# Options - User |
genOptDefaultAssocAttName |
Source Code Engineering page: Default name for associated attribute. |
Code Generation Options |
genOptDefaultConstructorScope |
Object Lifetimes page: Default Constructor Visibility. |
Options - Object Lifetimes |
genOptDefaultCopyConstructorScope |
Object Lifetimes page: Default Copy Constructor Visibility. |
Options - Object Lifetimes |
genOptDefaultDatabase |
Code Editors page: Default Database. |
Options - Code Editors |
genOptDefaultDestructorScope |
Object Lifetimes page: Default Destructor Constructor Visibility. |
Options - Object Lifetimes |
genOptGenCapitalisedProperties |
'Source Code Engineering' page: 'Capitalize Attribute Names for Properties' checkbox. |
Source Code Options |
genOptGenComments |
'Source Code Engineering' page: 'Comments - Generate' checkbox. |
Source Code Options |
genOptGenConstructor |
Object Lifetimes page: 'Generate Constructor' checkbox. |
Options - Object Lifetimes |
genOptGenConstructorInline |
Object Lifetimes page: 'Constructor Inline' checkbox. |
Options - Object Lifetimes |
genOptGenCopyConstructor |
Object Lifetimes page: 'Generate Copy Constructor' checkbox. |
Options - Object Lifetimes |
genOptGenCopyConstructorInline |
Object Lifetimes page: 'Copy Constructor Inline' checkbox. |
Options - Object Lifetimes |
genOptGenDestructor |
Object Lifetimes page: 'Generate Destructor' checkbox. |
Options - Object Lifetimes |
genOptGenDestructorInline |
Object Lifetimes page: 'Destructor Inline' checkbox. |
Options - Object Lifetimes |
genOptGenDestructorVirtual |
Object Lifetimes page: 'Virtual Destructor' checkbox. |
Options - Object Lifetimes |
genOptGenImplementedInterfaceOps |
'Code Generation' page: 'Generate methods for implemented interfaces' checkbox. |
Code Generation Options |
genOptGenPrefixBoolProperties |
'Source Code Engineering' page: 'Use 'Is' for Boolean property Get()' checkbox. |
Source Code Options |
genOptGenRoleNames |
'Source Code Engineering' page: 'Autogenerate role names when creating code' checkbox. |
Source Code Options |
genOptGenUnspecAssocDir |
'Source Code Engineering' page: 'Do not generate members where Association direction is unspecified' checkbox. |
Source Code Options |
genOptJavaDefaultAttributeType |
Java Specifications page: Default attribute type. |
Java Options - User |
genOptJavaGetPrefix |
Java Specifications page: Get Prefix. |
Java Options - Model |
genOptJavaDefaultSourceDirectory |
Java Specifications page: Default Source Directory. |
Java Options - User |
genOptJavaSetPrefix |
Java Specifications page: Set Prefix. |
Java Options - Model |
genOptJavaSourceExtension |
Java Specifications page: Source code extension. |
Java Options - Model |
genOptPHPDefaultSourceDirectory |
PHP Specifications page: Default Source Directory. |
PHP Options - User |
genOptPHPGetPrefix |
PHP Specifications page: Get Prefix. |
PHP Options - Model |
genOptPHPSetPrefix |
PHP Specifications page: Set Prefix. |
PHP Options - Model |
genOptPHPSourceExtension |
PHP Specifications page: Default file extension. |
PHP Options - Model |
genOptPHPVersion |
PHP Specifications page: PHP Version. |
PHP Options - Model |
genOptPropertyPrefix |
'Source Code Engineering' page: Remove prefixes when generating Get/Set properties. |
Source Code Options |
genOptVBMultiUse |
VB Specifications page: 'Multiuse' checkbox. |
Visual Basic Options - Model |
genOptVBPersistable |
VB Specifications page: 'Persistable' checkbox. |
Visual Basic Options - Model |
genOptVBDataBindingBehavior |
VB Specifications page: 'Data binding behavior' checkbox. |
Visual Basic Options - Model |
genOptVBDataSourceBehavior |
VB Specifications page: 'Data source behavior' checkbox. |
Visual Basic Options - Model |
genOptVBGlobal |
VB Specifications page: 'Global namespace' checkbox. |
Visual Basic Options - Model |
genOptVBCreatable |
VB Specifications page: 'Creatable' checkbox. |
Visual Basic Options - Model |
genOptVBExposed |
VB Specifications page: 'Exposed' checkbox. |
Visual Basic Options - Model |
genOptVBMTS |
VB Specifications page: MTS Transaction Mode. |
Visual Basic Options - Model |
genOptVBNetGenNamespace |
VB.Net Specifications page: Generate Namespace. |
VB.NET Options - User |
genOptVBVersion |
VB Specifications page: Default Version. |
Visual Basic Options - User |
genOptWrapComment |
'Source Code Engineering' page: Wrap length for comment lines. |
Source Code Options |