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Test Field Substitution Macros
This table lists each of the Test field substitution macros with a description of the result.
Field substitution macros are named according to Camel casing. Macros that represent checkboxes return a value of 'T' if the box is selected. Otherwise the value is empty.
Test Macros
Macro Name |
Description |
See also |
testAcceptanceCriteria |
Testing window: Acceptance Criteria. |
testCheckedBy |
Testing window: Checked By. |
testDateRun |
Testing window: Last Run. |
testClass |
Testing window: Test Class (the type of test defined: Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance, Inspection, Scenario) |
testInput |
Testing window: Input. |
testName |
Testing window: Test. |
testNotes |
Testing window: Description. |
testResults |
Testing window: Results. |
testRunBy |
Testing window: Run By. (Values are derived from the Project Author definitions in the 'People' dialog - 'Configure > Reference Data > Project Types > People > Project Authors'.) |
testStatus |
Testing window: Status. |
testType |
Testing window: Type. |