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UML Diagrams

A UML diagram is a graphical representation of part of a model, typically showing a number of elements connected by relationships. Diagrams are one of the most expressive and appealing views of the repository; the diagram has a name and type and is typically constructed for a particular audience to convey an idea or to create a narrative description of part of the model. Diagrams can also be used to generate useful system artifacts such as XML schemas, database schemas, programming code and more.

The UML specification defines fourteen types of diagram and lists elements and relationships that can be included on each diagram. These elements are conveniently provided in the Enterprise Architect default Toolboxes for each diagram type. While these toolboxes act as a guide for the novice modeler the experienced modeler will create highly expressive diagrams by including a wide range of element types on the same diagram.

Diagrams are created and viewed in the main workspace and are stored in Packages or other elements in the repository.

Diagram Grouping



See also

Structural Diagrams

Structural Diagrams depict the structural elements composing a system or function, reflecting the static relationships of a structure, or run-time architectures.

Structural Diagrams

Behavioral Diagrams

Behavioral Diagrams show a dynamic view of the model, depicting the behavioral features of a system or business process.

Behavioral Diagrams

Extended Diagrams

Enterprise Architect provides a set of additional diagram types that extend the core UML diagrams for domain-specific models.

Extended Diagrams

Custom Diagrams

Enterprise Architect also supports diagram types specific to MDG Technologies, including integrated technologies.

Specialized UML Models

Learn more