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Tagged Value Types
Tagged Values are used in a variety of places within Enterprise Architect to specify additional information about an element or connector. The 'Tagged Value Types' tab of the 'UML Types' dialog enables a Technology Developer to rapidly create Tagged Values, using a range of predefined structured Tagged Values to create structured tags that adhere to a specific format. For example, for model features that use the predefined tag Boolean you can use the Tagged Values window to assign a value of True or False and no other value.
You can also add default Tagged Value names and create predefined reference data Tagged Value types and custom masked Tagged Value types.
Any Tagged Value names created display in the drop-down lists of Tagged Value names in the 'Tagged Value' dialogs for elements, operations and attributes.
Ribbon |
Configure > Reference Data > UML Types > Tagged Value Types |
Create a Tagged Value Type
Field |
Action |
See also |
Tag Name |
Type the new name of the Tagged Value. |
Description |
Type a description of the Tagged Value. |
Detail |
Type any additional information necessary. |
New |
Click to begin creating a new Tagged Value. |
Save |
Click to save the details of a Tagged Value. |
Delete |
Click to delete a Tagged Value from the Defined Tag Types list. |
Defined Tag Types |
A list of previously defined Tagged Values. |
- You can transport these Tagged Value Type definitions between models, using the 'Configure > Model > Transfer > Export Reference Data' and 'Import Reference Data' ribbon options; Tagged Value Types are exported as Property Types