Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
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Help and Support
Enterprise Architect has three main help and information systems to assist you in using the product:
- Help
- Learning Center
- The Sparx Systems website
In addition we recommend that you fully explore the sample project supplied with the Enterprise Architect installer. It assists you in learning to use Enterprise Architect and offers tips on getting the most out of the product features. Click on the 'EAExample' option in the 'Recent' list on the 'Start Page'.
Getting Help and Support
Facility |
Description |
See also |
Enterprise Architect Help |
Enterprise Architect Help provides comprehensive documentation of Enterprise Architect and addresses every aspect and facility of the product. To access Help within Enterprise Architect:
From version 12.1 of Enterprise Architect onwards, the Help System is maintained as a set of HTML pages hosted on the Sparx Systems company web site. The appropriate Help displays as an HTML web site page in your configured browser. The Help is no longer available in the deprecated Microsoft HTML Help format. For those with limited internet access, the Help System can be downloaded and installed locally on your current machine. Information on obtaining this installation file is available in the registered user area of the Sparx site. If you want to revert to the web site access to the Help, simply uninstall the local Help; Enterprise Architect then automatically references the web site. You can also download a PDF version of the Help from the website, and print sections of it as required. Enterprise Architect Help is extensive; if you cannot quickly locate the topic you require through the content 'breadcrumb trails', you can use the web site search facility (in the top right corner of the web page) and select to search the EA User Guide for a specific text string. If you have installed the local version of the Help, you can perform a file based search for key terms using the 'Start > Help > Help > Search Help' option, and clicking on an entry in the result set. |
Available Helpfile Formats |
Learning Center |
The Enterprise Architect Learning Center provides guidance and demonstrations to help you understand any area of Enterprise Architect that you are interested in. You can access the Learning Center using the 'Start > Help > Libraries > Learning Center' ribbon option, showing the Introduction To The Learning Center topic. You can select other topics or task areas by clicking on the appropriate part of the topic path ('breadcrumb trail') at the top of the window, and selecting from the drop-down list. |
Learning Center |
Sparx Systems Website |
The Sparx Systems web site is also extensive, and provides information and announcements concerning the company and its full range of products, as well as tutorials, white papers, templates and solutions. It also provides a user forum, community site and support network. Sparx Systems are highly responsive to user feedback and requirements, and the web site enables rapid communication concerning problems, solutions and enhancements. You can access the web page and user forum within Enterprise Architect from the 'Start > Help > Home Page' ribbon option. |
Enterprise Architect User Forum Sparx Systems Web Site |
Community Site |
The Sparx Systems web site also hosts the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Community Site. This is a central location for the Enterprise Architect community to publish resources and share experiences. From this site you can download the latest news, tutorials, resources, best practices, tips, techniques and user-generated content for Enterprise Architect. You can also, as a registered author, contribute content and share your expertise with the wider community. |
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Community Site |
Learn more
- Support (for contact details)