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Project Shortcuts

Enterprise Architect enables you to create a desktop shortcut (or proxy file) to an Enterprise Architect project (Cloud, DBMS or file-based). Each shortcut is a file containing the connection string for the model. In addition, the shortcut also defines views that Enterprise Architect should open when it opens the model, as outlined here. In this manner it is a convenient and customizable way of quickly sharing a connection to a Cloud based model without requiring other users to know the details of the connections string, model name and other parameters.



Project list > Save As Shortcut




See also


Define one or more specific diagram(s) to be loaded on opening the project.

Model Search

Open the Model Search with a specific text string and search type.

For searches operating on the current tree selection, a diagram in the target Package must be opened first.

If you use a custom SQL search, the SQL must include ea_guid AS CLASSGUID and the object type.

You specify a single Model Search to open.

Model Search

The Relationship Matrix with a saved profile

Open the Relationship Matrix with a saved profile.

You specify a single Relationship Matrix profile to open.

Relationship Matrix

The default Team Library

Open the default Team Library document.

You specify the Team Library once.

Team Library

Working Set

Open a working set.

You specify a single Working Set to open.

This is very similar to the shortcut itself, opening a defined set of diagrams and views. However, the working set can also open source code editors, therefore widening the capabilities of the shortcut alone.

Working sets make it easy to customize the main views you want to open without having to resave your project short cuts. The working set is easy to tailor to your changing requirements, adding greater flexibility to any short cut that calls the working set.

Also, working sets provide the capability of storing the currently-engaged files when closing a model, and reopening them in the context in which you were last using them. The basic project shortcut can also do this, but once the work environment is captured the shortcut returns to the same set up each time you use it. The working set always captures the current work environment each time the model closes.

This option can be very useful in, for example, a coding environment when you want to return to the last files you were editing.

Working Sets

Workspace Layout

Apply a selected Workspace Layout, which opens and sets out the appropriate screens and windows for a specific area of work, such as model simulation.

You specify a single Workspace Layout to open. However, by creating and using separate shortcuts you can open Enterprise Architect in exactly the configuration you need for the work you want to do - modeling, coding, or debugging, for example.

Workspace Layouts

An example shortcut

You might create a shortcut to open, in sequence:

  • A Development module
  • The Model Search for a simple search on the term Issue
  • The module Issues diagram
  • The module 'Changes' diagram

Enterprise Architect opens the appropriate windows in the sequence in which you list the options, displaying the last view in the list as the active view.

In this example, the project opens with the Enterprise Architect work area showing the two diagram tabs and the 'Model Search' tab, and with the 'Changes' diagram displayed in the Diagram View.


  • If specified, the shortcut views override any default diagram defined for the model or current user
  • A shortcut does not affect the original Enterprise Architect .exe file or icon, or any other shortcut you might have defined; you can use all of these independently
  • If you are using a database repository other than MS Access 97, 2000, 2003 or 2013, you can configure the shortcut to encrypt the password used to set up the connection between Enterprise Architect and the repository; the Enterprise Architect user does not have the real password, thereby preventing them from accessing the repository using other tools such as Query Analyzer or SQLPlus

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