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Filter Panel

The 'Filter' panel helps in emphasizing aspects of the currently-open diagram, quickly filtering out elements outside a context so that only the relevant or important elements are clearly visible whilst the other elements are muted. The context can be derived from a variety of element properties (as defined in the Properties window), some of which can be set to an exact match, the presence of text strings or a date range. The tool is invaluable for quickly locating and visualizing particular elements in a diagram.

Part of the Layout ribbon in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.


The three fields are unlabelled and are referred to by their position on the panel.



See also

Top Left

This field identifies the type of filter to apply. It defaults to the value 'Filtering Off'. Click on the drop-down arrow and select the filter type.

To expose the full list of filter types, either use the vertical scroll bar or drag the 'dotted line' bar down as far as is necessary. The filter types include:

  • Relationships - filters for elements that are the source or target of the same type of connector as the selected element
  • Hierarchy - filters for elements on the diagram in the same hierarchy as the selected element, both above and below that element in the hierarchy
  • Name / Alias - filters for elements having the specified text string in the 'Name' or 'Alias' fields
  • Alias - filters for or against elements having the specified text string in the 'Alias' field
  • Author - filters for or against elements created by the specified author(s) (as shown in the 'Author' field)
  • DateCreated - filters for or against elements created before, on or after the specified 'Created' date
  • DateModified - filters for or against elements modified before, on or after the specified 'Modified' date
  • Difficulty - filters for or against Requirement-type elements (Change, Feature, Issue) of the specified difficulty (see the element's 'Properties' dialog 'General > Main' page)
  • GenType - filters for or against elements of the specified code generation language (such as Java) specified in the 'Language' field
  • Filename - filters for or against elements having the specified code generation file path and name in the 'Filename' field
  • Keywords - filters for or against elements having the specified text in the 'Keywords' field
  • Name - filters for or against elements having the specified text string in the 'Name' field
  • Notes - filters for or against elements having the specified text string in the 'Notes' field (see the element's 'Properties' dialog, 'General' page)
  • ObjectType - filters for or against elements having the specified object type as defined in the 'Type' field
  • Phase - filters for or against elements having the specified phase as defined in the 'Phase' field
  • Version - filters for or against elements having the specified object type as defined in the 'Version' field
  • Priority - filters for or against Requirement-type elements (Change, Feature, Issue) of the specified priority (see the element's 'Properties' dialog 'General > Main' page)
  • RequirementType - filters for or against Requirement-type elements (Change, Feature, Issue) of the specified type (see the element's 'Properties' dialog 'General > Main' page)
  • Scope - filters for or against elements having the specified scope value, as defined in the 'Scope' field ('Details' page of the 'Properties' dialog, 'Advanced' section of the Properties window)
  • Status - filters for or against elements having the specified status, as defined in the 'Status' field
  • Stereotype - filters for or against elements having the specified stereotype as defined in the 'Stereotype' field
  • Selectable - filters for or against elements that have been flagged as selectable, using the element context menu
  • Printable - filters for or against elements that have been flagged as printable, using the element context menu

For some filter types, one or both of the remaining two fields might not be required and they will be grayed out.

Top Right

This field defines the operator to apply to any property or value you define; that is, whether the element property or text contains, is equal to, or is not equal to the defined value, or is within a specified range of values.

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate operator.


Type the value or range of values to be matched against the element property or text.

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