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Additional Requirements Tools

In addition to the Key Tools listed in Meet the Requirements there are a number of other tools that can be used for Requirements development and management and team collaboration in the requirements engineering discipline. These include the ability to assign sequential numbers to requirements, importing Requirements from a spreadsheet file, creating requirements documentation and team collaboration features such as Element Discussions.

More Requirements Tools



See also

Auto Names and Counters

Use to assign a sequential number to a Requirement including a prefix and suffix.

Auto Names and Counters

Requirements Checklist

Provides a graphical list of checks that can be applied to individual requirements.

Requirements Checklist

Import and Export Spreadsheets

A tool to import and export Requirements from Spreadsheet files in the CSV format.

Import and Export Spreadsheets


A powerful engine to automatically create high quality documentation directly from the model, using built-in or user defined templates.



A feature to create and maintain a lexicon of terms and their meaning that can grouped by type and styled when included in documentation.



Used to keep a trail of what has changed in a repository, who it was changed by and when.


Element Discussions

A facility to allow modelers to create posts and replies to discuss model elements.

Element Discussions

Maintenance Items

A series of Items that can be applied to requirements to define such things as Changes, Issues, Defects and more.

Maintenance Items

Team Library

Allows reviews to be created for user defined categories and topics with links to model elements such as Requirements and Scenarios that can be referenced in the review.

Team Library