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Create Time Intervals

You can create time intervals on Timing elements in a number of ways.

Create a Time Interval using the Interval Bar context menu


Step and Action

See also

Editing Timing Diagram Intervals in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

1. Right-click on the Interval Bar at approximately the point at which to start or finish the Time Interval, and select the 'Create Time Interval' option.

Editing Timing Diagram Intervals in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

2. The Time Interval displays down all the timeline elements, as a narrow pale band with a blue compression box at the top.

3. Move the cursor to the edge of the Time Interval in the Interval Bar so that the cursor changes to the drag form and drag the edge to the correct start or end point.

Create a Time Interval using the Interval Bar and Shift key



See also


Move the cursor over the Interval Bar and press Shift.

The cursor changes shape (Editing Timing Diagram Intervals in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.).


Click to create the Time Interval.


Move the cursor to the edge of the Time Interval in the Interval Bar so that the cursor changes to the drag form (Editing Timing diagram intervals in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.) and drag the edge to the correct start or end point.

Create a Time Interval using the Timeline context menu



See also


Right-click on the timeline just after a transition.

The context menu displays.


Click on the 'Select' option.

Enterprise Architect creates a Time Interval defining the period from the selected transition up to the next transition.

If there are other Time Intervals in this period, Enterprise Architect replaces them with the single Time Interval for the transition state; you should consider this when creating the Time Interval, as it extends across the other Timeline elements in the diagram.

A value of this method is that it creates a Time Interval for a period in which no transitions occur, which could be lengthy; you can then compress this Time Interval to hide the period of inactivity.

Time Interval Operations