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Create Tagged Value Type from Predefined Types

When you are working with Tagged Values, you might want to use structured Tagged Values; that is, Tagged Values that capture and present more complex information in a specific format. The base types for such Tagged Values (the type you call in when you create a tag in the Tags page of the Properties window) can be easily created specifically for your model, as you can base the customized structured Tagged Value types on a range of predefined Tagged Value types and filters.



Configure > Reference Data > UML Types > Tagged Value Types

Create a custom Structured Tagged Value type



See also

Tag Name

Type an appropriate name for your new Tagged Value type.


Optionally, type a short description or the purpose of the Tagged Value type.


Either copy-and-paste or type the syntax of the predefined structured Tagged Value Type on which to base your new Tagged Value type.

Predefined Structured Types


Click on this button to save the new structured Tagged Value type.

The Tagged Value type displays in the Defined Tag Types list.


Optionally, click on this button to clear the fields so that you can enter information for another new Tagged Value type.