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Getting Started

Welcome to the ArchiMate language, fully integrated with Enterprise Architect. The tool not only supports all of the language features, including productivity features, but also provides a powerful collaboration platform that will allow architects and others from management down to development and support teams to view and contribute to the architecture and the value it brings to the organization.

About ArchiMate

ArchiMate is a technical standard managed by The Open Group; it is partly inspired by and based on the concepts of the IEEE 1471 standard (Recommended Practice for Architecture Description of Software-Intensive Systems). Work began on the standard as early as 2002 in the Netherlands by a project team from the Telematica Instituut in association with a number of Dutch partners from government, industry and academia. It has evolved significantly and has become a general purpose standard that is used for analyzing, specifying and documenting architectures at any level from strategy to deployment.

Enterprise Architect has supported modeling in ArchiMate for a number of years; the current version of Enterprise Architect supports ArchiMate 3.1 and all its syntax, semantics and viewpoints.


The language has been developed with a recognition of the varied stakeholder groups both technical and non-technical that need to interact with the architecture and has provided a large number of features that support this varied group and their need to communicate and collaborate. The language provides:

  • a uniform representation for diagrams that describe Enterprise Architectures,
  • views and viewpoint to address stakeholder specific concerns,
  • mechanisms to visualize interrelated architectures including different domains,
  • syntactic devices for structuring mechanism for architecture domains, layers, and aspects,
  • visual devices that allow language elements to be presented with tailored notations for stakeholder groups,
  • support for conceptualization by relation abstract and concrete concepts using realization,
  • service-orientation to distinguish and relate the Business, Application, and Technology Layers of Enterprise Architectures