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Requirement Types

Requirements are critical to the success of a project, and methodologies typically specify a number of requirement types used to make sure the business, technical, architecture and transition requirements are well-defined. You define the type of requirement using the 'Type' field of the Requirement 'Properties' dialog. This helps to maintain a single set of typed requirements. You can select the appropriate 'Type' value from a drop-down list, which initially contains the system values:

  • Display
  • Functional
  • Performance
  • Printing
  • Report
  • Testing and
  • Validate

You can add to or replace any of these types with your own customized values from your methodology or from an industry standard method..



Configure > Reference Data > Model Types > General Types > Requirement

Customize Requirement Types



See also


Type the name of the requirement.


Type a short description of the requirement.


Type a weighting to apply to the requirement type.


Clears the dialog fields so that you can define a new requirement type.


Saves the requirement type details and adds it to the Defined Requirement Types list.


Deletes a selected requirement type from the Defined Requirement Types list.

Defined Requirement Types

Lists the currently available requirement types.


  • You can transport these requirement types between models, using the 'Configure > Model > Transfer > Export Reference Data' and 'Import Reference Data' ribbon options

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