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Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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Key Benefits

Work together in small or large teams from anywhere in the world using Computers, Tablets and Smart Phones, specifying, analyzing, designing, simulating, testing, implementing, deploying and supporting solutions that will exceed the expectations of business and technical audiences alike.

Integrate with a rich landscape of external tools to unify teams and enterprises resulting in productivity gains that create truly astonishing results.

These are just some of the benefits that Enterprise Architect can bring to your Enterprise, team and projects:

  • High productivity tool creating results in record time
    Models and solutions can be created at lightning speed using a variety of features, including Model Wizards, Transformation tools and Code Generation; see the Model Wizard Help topic
  • Standards and Specification Based
    Enterprise Architect supports a formidable range of standards and specifications, ranging from Enterprise Architecture, Strategic and Business Modeling, Systems Engineering, Design and Construction through to Implementation, Testing and Deployment; see the Model Domains Help topic
  • A platform for business and technical users
    With Enterprise Architect it is possible to bridge the divide between business and technical teams; executive stakeholders, line managers analysts, development and testing teams can work together using the tool features that apply to them but knowing that they are all contributing to a unified business and technology solution; see the Business Models Help topic
  • Flexible, Configurable and Extensible
    The tool is highly flexible, allowing you to tailor the way you work with Perspectives and Workspaces, helping you to stay focused and resulting in great productivity; it also provides a range of mechanisms to extend the core features, from basic scripts to full-blown third party Add-Ins; see the Perspectives, Views, Workspaces, Scripting and Automation Help topics
  • Code Engineering and Visualization
    The tool provides a vast set of code engineering features that not only allow the full management of source code but also provide unique facilities to visualize code in models and diagrams; code hot-spots and performance problems can be analyzed and resolved in record time; see the Software Models and Visual Execution Analysis Help topics
  • Simulation of Business and Technical Models
    Models can be brought to life, with easy-to-use simulations of business models such as Business Process Diagrams, and technical models such as StateMachines; these work out of the box but can be extended to allow advanced analysis using tools such as BPSim and Modelica; see the Model Simulation and Business Process Simulation Help topics
  • Extended Features
    Beyond the core features for modeling, Enterprise Architect boasts an extraordinary number of facilities, from enterprise modeling right through to deployment and support; these include Kanban, Calendars, Mail, Discussions, Reviews, Team Library, Gantt Charts, Code analyzers, Simulation and much more; see the Project Management Help topic
  • Rigorous Metamodel Driven Technologies
    Many of the technologies that underpin the specification are driven by metamodels, allowing robust and compliant models to be created and validated; see the Validation Help topic
  • Collaboration Platform that Unifies Interdisciplinary Teams
    Enterprise Architect was built from the ground up as a tool to support interdisciplinary teams, fostering collaboration and team work to ensure that the solution is far more than the sum of its parts; see Discussions, Team Library and Team Support Help topics
  • Secure, Scalable, Multi-User platform
    Any number of users can collaborate, accessing models securely, and the repositories can scale to support hundreds of projects in global enterprises; users can interact with the models in a variety of ways, such as using WebEA; see the WebEA Help topic
  • Formidable selection of supported Specifications and Standards
    Enterprise Architect has grown from being a UML tool to a platform that supports almost all modeling specifications, from Enterprise Architecture through to Code Engineering; see the Model Domains Help topic
  • On-Premise and In-Cloud Deployment Models.
    There is a range of deployment options from local file based repositories, through on-premise repositories to full Cloud solutions; see the Model Repository Help topic
  • Accessible from Computers, Tablets and Smart Phones
    Models can be created and edited using the Enterprise Architect thick client software or by using the Cloud Server and WebEA from any device with a browser, including Smart Phones and Tablets; see the WebEA Help topic
  • Dashboards, Simple and Advanced Publishing and Reporting
    Enterprise Architect can display expressive dashboards, with charts and graphs that allow model managers and others to visualize the model's key performance indicators; there is also a powerful, flexible and extensible report generator that can produce basic reports through to highly polished corporate publications; see the Dashboards and Model Publishing Help topics
  • User Experience
    The user interface of the thick client is a highly polished ribbons-based interface which is a delight to use and provides simple and obvious access to the rich set of available features; see the User Interface Help topic