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Create Maintenance Item From Test

If an element fails a test, one likely consequence is that a Defect (Issue) item has to be raised in model maintenance to correct the problem. You can generate this Defect item directly from the test that failed.


Select the element containing the failed test, then use one of the methods outlined here to display the Testing window or 'Details' tab of the Inspector window


Construct > Testing > Tests > <test class> > Right-click on test > Create a Maintenance Defect from this test

Start > Desktop > Share > Testing > <test class> > Right-click on test > Create a Maintenance Defect from this test

Design > Element > Editors > Element Browser > Testing > <test class> > Right-click on test > Create a Maintenance Defect from this Test

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+2 > Testing : <test class> | Right-click on test | Create a Maintenance Defect from this Test

Create a Maintenance item from a test



See also


The system immediately creates the Defect item and displays a confirmation message box.

Click on the OK button to clear the message.


Open the Defects window (the 'Construct > Change Management > Defects > Show Defects Window' ribbon option).

The window shows a Defect item having the same name as the test.


Double-click on the Defect item to open it in the 'Defect details' dialog, and edit the item as necessary - you might provide values for the 'Reported By', 'Status' and 'Priority' fields.

Create Maintenance Items