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Ensuring a Requirement is Satisfied

The Satisfy relationship is used to show that one or more model elements in the architecture or design fulfills the notion expressed in the Requirement. It is an important connection or bridge between what might be described as the problem or opportunity and the architecture, design and - when verified - the implementation.

The Satisfy relationship is available from 'Relationships' page of the SysML Requirements Toolbox.

The relationship is a type of Dependency and is represented by a dashed line with the keyword <<satisfy>>, with an open arrow head pointing from the design element (Client) to the Requirement (Supplier).

In this diagram it can be seen that the Block 'Strip Illumination' satisfies the Requirement that speaks of the visibility of the boom in low light conditions. There is also a rationale added that describes the compliance with respect to State Government regulations.

In this diagram the Satisfy relationship has been displayed using Callout notation.

In the next diagram callout notation has been used but this time the Block is referenced in the callout.