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Package Technologies

It is possible that the asset Package in the Registry is associated with one or more Technologies, especially if the Package comes from a model developed as an extension or customization of the UML. You can check whether an asset Package has any associated Technologies, and what they are, by viewing the 'Technology' tab of the Reusable Asset Service view.


Open the Reusable Asset Service window using one of the methods outlined here.

Select a Package, then click on the 'Technology' tab, to display a list of Technologies required to support that Package.


Publish > Model Exchange > Reusable Assets

Review Technologies



See also


Displays the name of the Technology as recorded in the Registry.


Displays the required version of the Technology to support the asset Package, available through the Registry.


Displays the unique identifier of the Technology.


Identifies whether the Technology is system-supplied and built in to Enterprise Architect (such as BPMN 2.0 or ArcGIS), or user-defined.

A user-defined technology can be introduced from an external source or developed by a user within the system.

MDG Technologies

Registry Status

Indicates whether the Technology file is:

  • Available - the Technology file is registered in the current Storage, or
  • Unavailable:
         -  The Technology file is not registered in the Storage, or
         -  The Technology is a built-in Technology and is already integrated
             with your system, or must be purchased under license, or
         -  The Technology is available from a URL and can be downloaded
             from that URL

Import Technology

If your local system does not have one of the Available Technologies, you can quickly import it from the Registry.

  1. Right-click on the Technology name and select the 'Import Technology' option.
  2. A prompt displays for you to confirm the import to your system; click on the Yes button.
  3. A message displays to confirm that the Technology has been imported; click on the OK button.

You might have to restart Enterprise Architect to activate the Technology.

Other than the remote Technologies, you cannot import a Technology flagged as 'Unavailable'. You can import a remote Technology from its URL site.

Import an Asset into the Model Access Remote MDG Technologies


  • You can also import Available Technologies from the registry as part of the process of importing the asset Package
  • If the Storage is password protected, a prompt to enter your password displays (this can be a Read-Only or a Complete Access password) after you confirm that you want to import the Technology; you cannot import the Technology without this password
  • The 'Technology' tab will be empty for a 'Learning Center Library', 'Reference Data Library' or 'Source Code Library' type Storage

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