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Add and Move Transitions

After you have added states, you can configure state changes (transitions) directly on the Timeline using the mouse. This is a fast and effective means of building a detailed model of state changes over time.

In order to modify the Timeline, place the mouse over the existing Timeline. As you move the cursor over the Timeline, the cursor changes to one of three shapes, described here.


Context Menu

Right-click on the transition line | Edit


Click directly on the appropriate transition line, after the transition begins

Modify Timeline

As you move the cursor over the vertical line of a transition, the time at which the transition occurs displays next to the line.



See also

The move cursor

Displays when it is directly over the timeline.

Hold down the mouse button and drag the line to move the timeline to a state above or below the current position; you can move the transition more than one state up or down, if necessary.

The new transition up cursor

Displays when it is just below the timeline, and there is another state above the line.

Press and hold the Alt key; the cursor changes (Move timeline up).

Click to create a new transition to the state above the line.

To push the transition up more than one state, move the cursor onto the line and drag it up.

The transition is for one interval unit; you can make it longer by changing the transition time.

If you do not hold the Alt key, the cursor does not change and the whole timeline from the transition onwards moves up.

Edit Transitions In State Lifeline

The new transition down cursor

Displays when it is just above the transition line, and there is another state below the line.

Press and hold the Alt key; the cursor changes (Move Timeline down).

Click to create a new transition to the state below the line.

To push the transition down more than one state, move the cursor onto the line and drag it down.

The transition is for one interval unit; you can make it longer by changing the transition time.

If you do not hold the Alt key, the cursor does not change and the whole timeline from the transition onwards moves down.

Edit Transitions In State Lifeline

Edit Transition

Edit the transitions as required, on the 'Edit Transition' dialog.



At Time

Type the point on the timescale at which the transition occurs.

Transition To

Type the name of the state to which the transition occurs.


Type the name of the event that the transition represents.

This displays on the Timeline element just above the transition line.

Duration Constraint

Type any constraint on the duration of the transition.

This displays on the Timeline element, along the top of the element over the transition.

Time Constraint

Type any constraint on the start of the transition.

This displays on the Timeline element at the start of the transition.


Click on this button to save the changes.


  • Once Event, Duration Constraint or Time Constraint are displayed on the diagram, you can edit them directly by clicking on them to display their specific dialog
  • You can delete them by pressing and holding the Ctrl key as you click on them; the cursor changes form when you press the Ctrl key
  • You can also edit transitions using the 'Transitions' tab of the 'Configure Timeline' dialog

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