Click on this icon to display a list of facilities for setting up and formatting a table in your document. For options that apply to cells, you can apply the settings to the whole table, just the selected cells, just the column(s) containing the selected cells, or just the rows(s) containing the selected cells.
- Insert Table - display the 'New Table' dialog and specify how many rows and columns to create; the table defaults to showing the gridlines
- Insert Row - add a row above the current row, with the same row properties
- Insert Column - add a column to the left of the current column, with the same column properties
- Merge Cells - merge the selected cells into one cell, across or down the table, or both
- Split Cell Horizontally - split the selected cell into two columns within the row
- Split Cell Vertically - split the selected cell into two rows within the column
- Delete Cells - display the 'Delete Table Cells' dialog, in which you specify whether to delete just the selected cells, the rows containing the selected cells, or the columns containing the selected cells
- Row Position - display the 'Table Row Alignment' dialog, in which you align the row borders with the left margin, the page center or the right margin, either just for the selected row or for the whole table
- Row Height - display the 'Row Height' dialog, in which you set the row height to automatically adjust to the row contents, or to only adjust above a minimum height or to always be an exact height (which you specify, in Twips), for just the selected row or for all rows in the table; content that exceeds a fixed row height is not visible in the table
- Header Row - set the first row of the table as a header row, which will be duplicated at the top of each section of the table flowing onto a new page
- Keep Row Together - set the selected rows to stay together if the table would be split by an automatic page break at those rows
- Row Text Flow - display the 'Table Text Flow' dialog, on which you specify whether the text should flow left-to-right or right-to-left, or the direction of the system default; you can apply the setting to selected rows or to the whole table, and the rows are aligned with the left or right margins of the page to match the text flow
- Cell Width - display the 'Set Cell Width' dialog, on which you specify the width of the selected cells and the indent of text within the cells, in Twips
- Cell Border Width - display the 'Set Cell Border' dialog on which you set the width of the lines at any or all of the top, bottom, left and right of the selected cells, with the border around either the selected cells as a block or around each individual cell
- Cell Border Color - display the 'Set Cell Border Color' dialog, on which you select one color for all the lines of the cell borders or a color for each or any of the border lines, clicking on the border-name button to select the color to apply
- Cell Shading - display the 'Cell Shading' dialog, on which you select a shading of the background of the selected cells, from 0% (no shading) darkening to 100% (black)
- Cell Color - display the 'Cell Color Selection' dialog, on which you click on the Set Color button and on a background color for the selected cells
- Cell Vertical Align - display the 'Cell Vertical Alignment' dialog, on which you align the text in the cells to the top, center or bottom of the cell, or the baseline of the lowest top line of text (if you have applied special formatting to a cell within the selection)
- Cell Rotate Text - display the 'Cell Text Rotation' dialog, in which you set the text to display horizontally (as normal), rotated by 90 degrees anticlockwise to flow from the bottom of the cell to the top and left to right, or rotated by 90 degrees clockwise to flow from the top of the cell to the bottom and right to left; this is especially useful when the cells are in the outside columns and act as labels for the content of the body of the table
- Select Current Column - select the whole column containing the currently-active cell
- Show Gridlines - display or hide the pale blue table and cell borders on the screen, so that you can visualize the layout of the table; the grid is not printable - if you intend to print the table, you must define the borders as having at least minimum width
Click on this icon to display a list of facilities for formatting the selected paragraphs of text in your document.
- Normal - align the text so that new lines begin parallel with the left margin of the page and flow to the right
- Center - align the text so that new lines begin at the center of the page and flow equally towards the left and right margins of the page
- Right Justify - align the text so that new lines begin parallel with the right margin of the page and flow to the left
- Justify Both - align the text so that lines begin and end parallel with the left and right margins respectively
- Double Space - separate the lines within the selected paragraph with double line spacing
- Indent Left - indent the selected paragraph one tab space in from the left margin; each selection indents the text one more tab space
- Indent Right - indent the selected paragraph one tab space in from the right margin; each selection indents the text one more tab space
- Hanging Indent - indent the paragraph except for the first line one tab space
- Keep Together - if there is a possibility that the selected text will be split by a page break, set the text to be moved to the top of the next page as a single unit
- Keep With Next - if there is a possibility that the selected paragraph will be separated from the next by a page break, set the paragraph to move onto the same page as the next paragraph
- Widow/Orphan Control - prevent the first and last lines of the selected paragraph from being separated from the rest of the text by a page break; at least one other line will stay with or move with the separated text
- Page Break Before - set the selected paragraph to print at the top of a new page
- Border and Shading - display the 'Paragraph Box' dialog, on which you select to add borders above, below, to the sides and - for multiple-column text - between the columns of the selected text, to format the borders as a single or double thin line or thick line, to set the color of the borders, and to add a shaded background to the selected text; as you increase the percentage shading, the text color changes to contrast with the background
- Paragraph Spacing - display the 'Paragraph Spacing' dialog, on which you set the line spacing within the paragraph to one of three standard spacings, or to a point-spacing that you define, or to a multiple line spacing that you define; you can also set extra spacing to apply before and/or after the paragraph
- Background Color - displays the 'Color' dialog, on which you select a color as the background of the selected text; note that the text color does not automatically change to contrast with the background, and if this option is used with the 'Border and Shading' option it blocks that text change
- Bullet - convert the selected lines of text to a bullet list, or to convert a bulleted list to unbulleted paragraphs
- Numbering - convert the selected lines of text to a numbered list, or to convert a numbered list to un-numbered paragraphs
- Increase Level - increase the indent of the selected text and move it further in from the left margin
- Decrease Level - if the selected text is indented from the left margin, reduce the indent and draw the text closer to the margin
- List Numbering - display the 'Apply paragraph numbering using Lists' dialog, which you use to apply a hierarchical numbering system to the paragraphs in the document
- Set Tab - display the 'Set a Tab Position' dialog, on which you set the interval for tab points, the type of tab point, and what kind of lead-in line the tab has, if any
- Clear Tab - display the 'Clear a Tab Position' dialog and select a single tab from the list to clear
- Clear All Tabs - clear all tab settings from the document
- Style - display the 'Select a Style' dialog, on which you select a pre-set style to apply to the selected text
- Text Flow - display the 'Paragraph Text Flow' dialog, on which you select the direction in which text flows from the opening words - Left-To-Right, Right-To-Left, or the system default direction
Click on this icon to convert the selected lines of text to a bullet list, or to convert a bulleted list to unbulleted paragraphs.
Click on this icon to convert the selected lines of text to a numbered list, or to convert a numbered list to un-numbered paragraphs.
If the selected text is indented from the left margin, click on this icon to reduce the indent and draw the text closer to the margin.
Click on this icon to increase the indent of the selected text and move it further in from the left margin.
Click on this icon to toggle the display of paragraph markers ( ) throughout the document.
Click on this icon to display a selection of colors, and select one to use as the background color for the selected block of text. If you want to clear the background color, select the 'Default Color' option. If you want to use a color that is not offered in the selection, click on the 'More Colors' option and select or define the color you require.
Click on this icon to align the left ends of the selected lines of text with the left margin of the page.
Click on this icon to align the centers of the selected lines of text with the vertical center of the page.
Click on this icon to align the right ends of the selected lines of text with the right margin of the page.
Click on this icon to align the ends of the selected lines of text with the left and right margins of the page.
Click on this icon to display a list of conventional line spacings, and options to customize line spacing and paragraph spacing.
- 1.0 )
- 1.5 ) set the line spacing in the highlighted text to the selected value
- 2.0 )
- 3.0 )
- Line Spacing Options - display the 'Paragraph Spacing' dialog, on which you set the line spacing within the paragraph to one of three standard spacings, or to a point-spacing that you define, or to a multiple line spacing that you define; you can also set extra spacing to apply before and/or after the paragraph
Click on this icon to display a list of options for adding borders to the table cells you have selected - individual cells, groups of cells, rows, columns or the whole table. Other table-formatting options are available from the 'Table' option.
- Bottom Border - convert the gridline to a black border along the bottom of the selected cell(s)
- Top Border - convert the gridline to a black border along the top of the selected cell(s)
- Left Border - convert the gridline to a black border along the left edge of the selected cell(s)
- Right Border - convert the gridline to a black border along the right edge of the selected cell(s)
- No Border - remove any borders around and between the selected cells
- All Borders - convert the gridline to a black border around the selected cell(s) and - for multiple cells - between the selected cells
- Outside Borders - convert the gridline to a black border around but not between the selected cells
- Inside Borders - convert the gridline to a black border between but not around the selected cells
- Insert Table - display the 'New Table' dialog and specify how many rows and columns to create in a new table starting at the cursor position; the table defaults to showing the gridlines
- View Gridlines - toggle between showing and hiding the pale blue table outlines on the screen display; the gridlines are not printable, so if you want to show borders on the table in the printed document, add cell borders
- Borders and Shading - display the 'Cell Shading' dialog, through which you identify which grouping of table cells to shade and the depth of shading to apply