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Manual EA Worker Configuration

If you are using the Pro Cloud Server version 4.1 or later then the EA Worker should be configured and run via the Worker Configuration screen in Pro Cloud Server's Configuration Client or the Edit Model Connection page in WebConfig. Refer to the How to configure automatic viewable components topic for details.

In early versions of PCS (prior to v4.1) the only way to achieve this was with a Windows Batch/command line, using either a manually entered connection string or a connection string saved as a .EAP file.

For historical purposes the manual approach is described here:

How to start the EA Worker manually

All EA Worker command lines require at least two command line options:

  1. cloudupdate: - the frequency (measured in seconds) of how often the application should check for new or modified diagrams and Linked Documents.
  2. A connection string to the model, defined as a .EAP file.

An example command line is:

C:\> EAWorker.exe /cloudupdate:30 "C:\EA\shortcuts\model1.eap"

Typically the easiest and most efficient method to run the EA Worker is with a Windows batch/command file.

Model shortcuts for EA Worker

Within Enterprise Architect it is possible to save model connections (no matter what type of DBMS is in use) as a .EAP file. These model shortcuts are not .EAP file databases, but plain text files that contain a connection string to a model.

This is an example .EAP shortcut to a model without security:

    EAConnectString:model1 --- ;Connect=Cloud=protocol:http,address:localhost,port:804;Data Source=model1;

However, when the model has security enabled the connection string requires USER and PASSWORD parameters:

    EAConnectString:model1 --- ;Connect=Cloud=protocol:http,address:localhost,port:804,user:fred,pwd:pwdxxx;Data Source=model1;

EA Worker Configuration Steps



See also


Create a .EAP shortcut to the model.

The creation of a .EAP shortcut file can be achieved by either:

  1. Manually creating a plain text file, renaming its extension to .EAP and entering the complete connection string as shown (making sure to replace all values enclosed in {}):

         EAConnectString:{modelname} --- ;Connect=Cloud=protocol:http,address:{servername},port:{port},user:{username},pwd:{password};Data Source={modelname};
  2. In Enterprise Architect, open a Cloud connection to the model in question and then choose 'Save As Shortcut...' from the Project list drop-down menu.


Create a batch/command file.

Create a plain text file, give it a meaningful name, and change its extension to .CMD. Then edit the file and enter this text, making sure to replace {seconds} with the number of seconds and {filepath} with the location of the fully qualified .EAP created in Step 1:

     "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server\Worker\EA.exe" /cloudupdate:{seconds} "{filepath}"


Run the batch/command file.

Double-click on the file created in Step 2.

Sparx System recommends that this batch/command file is added to Startup so that it is automatically run when the server starts.