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Priority Types

Not all elements are equal, and as you define the elements in a repository you can assign a Priority to indicate the relative importance of the element. You define the element's priority using the 'Priority' field of the elements's 'Properties' dialog. You can select the appropriate value from a drop-down list, which initially contains the system values:

  • High
  • Medium and
  • Low

You can add to or replace any of these values with your own custom values.

You can also set a shape and color for the display of each Priority Type that is displayed in the Inspector Status Tab. For more details see the Status Tab of the Inspector Window Help topic.



Settings > Reference Data > Model Types > General Types > Priority

Customize Priority Types



See also


Type the name of the Priority to define.

Make Default

To make the selected Priority the default for all 'Priority' fields, select the checkbox.


Clear the fields to define a new Priority.


Save the Priority definition and add it to the Type list.


Remove the currently selected Priority from the Type list.


Lists the currently available Priority types.

Move the selected type higher or lower in the 'Type' list.

This defines the ordering used in the 'Priority' drop down combo boxes, and in sorting any report or list when the Priority type is used as the sort-by property.

For example: you have several Change elements on a diagram, and you select 'Diagram View'; then you sort on the 'Priority' column. The 'Diagram View' entries are grouped by priority, in the order you defined in this 'Type' field.

Sort Alphabetically

Reorganize the entries in the Type list into alphabetical order.

Restore Defaults

Remove all customized Priority values and restore High, Medium and Low.


  • You can transport customized Priority types between models, using the 'Settings > Model > Transfer > Export Reference Data' and 'Import Reference Data' ribbon options

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