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A list of glossary terms beginning with 'B'.

Terms starting with B



See also


The observable effects of an operation or event, including its results.

Behavioral Diagram

A diagram that depicts the behavioral features of a system or business process.

Behavioral diagrams include Activity diagrams, StateMachine diagrams, Communication diagrams, Interaction Overview diagrams, Sequence diagrams, Timing diagrams and Use Case diagrams.

Behavioral Feature

A dynamic feature of a model element, such as an operation or method.

Behavioral Model aspect

A model aspect that emphasizes the behavior of the instances in a system, including their methods, collaborations, and state histories.

Binary Association

An Association between two Classes; a special case of an N-ary Association.

N-ary Association


The creation of a model element from a template by supplying arguments for the parameters of the template.


A marker in a Rich Text Format document that enables you to link inner sections of a document into a master document (using the Word 'Insert File' function).


An enumeration whose values are true and false.

Boolean Expression

An expression that evaluates to a Boolean value.


  1. A stereotyped Object that models some system boundary – typically a user interface screen; it is:
         -  Used in the conceptual phase to capture user interaction
            with the system at a screen level (or some other boundary
            interface type)
         -  Often used in Sequence and Robustness (Analysis) diagrams
         -  The View in the Model-View-Controller Pattern
  2. A System Boundary element used to delineate a particular part of the system.


Business Process Model and Notation - a standard for business process modeling, developed and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG), that provides graphical notation for specifying business processes in a Business Process diagram (BPD), based on traditional flowcharting techniques.

Browser Window

The workspace window where the model contents are displayed in 'tree' format. Displays structures such as Packages, diagrams and model elements.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)

A standard for business process modeling, developed and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG), that provides graphical notation for specifying business processes in a Business Process diagram (BPD), based on traditional flowcharting techniques.