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Add States to a State Lifeline

Add States to a State Lifeline



See also


Click on the State Lifeline element.

The New State button (Create a new state lifeline.) and Edit States button (Edit State Lifeline) display at the bottom left of the element.


Click on the New State button.

The 'New State' dialog displays.


In the 'State' field, type the name of the state.


Click on the OK button.

You must add at least two states; for example, 'On' and 'Off'.


As you add states, increase the height of the element by dragging one of the Drag handle on a selected box. icons on the edge of the element.

You can also add states using the 'States' tab of the 'Configure Timeline' dialog.

Add either:

  • Discrete states to the Timeline, or
  • A continuous range of numeric states
Configure Timeline - States Numeric Range Generator