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Diagram Types

AUTOSAR has three different diagram types:

  • AUTOSAR Type Definition Diagram
  • AUTOSAR Diagram
  • AUTOSAR Behavior Diagram

Set the AUTOSAR Perspective

When creating diagrams and structures, if AUTOSAR is not shown in the 'Type' or 'Perspective' field, click on the Choose perspective button. icon in the top right of the screen and select the 'Systems Engineering > AUTOSAR' perspective.

Create a New Diagram In AUTOSAR

To create diagrams for AUTOSAR, use the Enterprise Architect functionality to add a new diagram to a Package. That is:

  1. Right click on the required parent Package.
  2. Select the 'Add Diagram' option.
  3. In the 'New Diagram' dialog, in the 'Diagram' field, type a name for the diagram.
  4. In the 'Type' field, click on the Hamburger icon icon and select the Systems Engineering > AUTOSAR option (if necessary).
  5. Click on the 'LieberLieber Autosar Engineer' option.
  6. In the 'Diagram Types' panel, click on the required type of diagram.
  7. Click on the OK button.

You can create a diagram following a very similar process on the 'Add Diagram' tab of the Start Page, clicking on the Create Diagram button.

When you open an AUTOSAR diagram the appropriate AUTOSAR Toolbox page for the diagram type is automatically opened. The Toolbox page contains all the necessary elements and connectors to populate the diagram. For more information on these Toolbox pages, see the Toolboxes Help topic.

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