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Move or Copy Tests Between Test Classes

After you define a test within one test class (Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance, Inspection or Scenario), you might decide that the test either is better suited to another test class, or forms a good template for tests in other classes. If so, you can either move or copy the test to the other class lists.


Click on the element containing the test records.


Construct > Test Management > Tests > <test class> > Right-click on test to move/copy

Start > All Windows > Construct > Testing > <test category> > Right-click on test

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+2 > Testing : right-click on test to move/copy

Move or Copy a Test



See also


Click on the appropriate option - 'Move to' or 'Copy to'.

A list of test classes displays.


Click on the test class to which to move or copy the test.

A confirmatory prompt displays.


Click on the Yes button to confirm the move or copy.


In the Test Cases window, click on the tab for the test class you moved/copied the test into, to check that the Test has been added.

Double-click on the test to open the 'Test details' dialog, and make any necessary changes to the Test record.

Create Test Records


If you are copying the test to more than one other test class, repeat steps 1 to 4 for the next class to copy to.


  • If you move or copy a test into the Scenario Tests class, some unassociated data could be lost

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