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The Design Window Selector

The Design Window Selector provides immediate access to a range of windows for locating, creating and working on objects on the model, including within diagrams. Each window name is a command that, when you click on it, opens that window.

The windows are organized into four sets, as described in the tables of this topic.


The 'Explore' group of windows help you to locate and display information on the structures of your model.



See also


Opens or returns focus to the Browser window at the 'Project' tab. The Browser window displays your model objects and features in a number of arrangements, reflecting the content and structure of your model. The Browser window is the primary mechanism for browsing and exploring your model and is the jumping off point for many of the most important features in Enterprise Architect. The 'Project' tab displays the full structure and content of your model

The Browser Window


Displays the Inspector window at the 'Details' tab. The Inspector window provides the facility of examining the details of an individual element, whether held in the current model or in an external data source. The 'Details' tab lists all the features and characteristics of the element, appropriate to the element type.

Inspector - Details


Displays the Focus window, a valuable tool for locating and examining items of importance from anywhere in the overall model. This window provides access to Model Views, Working Sets, and recently opened diagrams and screens.

The Focus Window


Displays the Traceability window, in which you can quickly see what elements are immediately linked to the selected element and in what relationships, and what elements are indirectly linked via a chain of relationships. You can also select a diagram and explore the relationships of all elements in that diagram. The window is mirrored in the 'Trace' tab of the Inspector window.

The Traceability Window The Inspector Window


Opens the Find in Project window, through which you can run a wide range of system and user-defined searches to extract and collate information on aspects of your model.

Model Search


Toggles the display of the Navigator toolbar, which identifies the location of the Package or diagram you are currently working in, and provides options to change the focus to another level of the Package's branch, perform relevant operations on the Package, and locate other Packages in the model.

The Navigator Toolbar


Displays the Summary window, a brief, read-only summary of the general properties of the currently selected:

  • Element (including Packages)
  • Attribute
  • Operation
  • Test
  • Maintenance item or
  • Resource
The Summary Window


Displays the System Output window, which shows the data that Enterprise Architect generates during each of a range of processes. The data from each type of operation generally has its own tab of this window.

The System Output Window


The 'Create' group of windows help you to develop new structures and supporting documents in your model.



See also

New Package

Displays the 'New Package' dialog, through which you can create a new Package as a child of the current node.

Add a Package

New Model from Pattern

Displays the Start Page at the 'Create from Pattern' tab (the Model Wizard) , through which you can generate a Package with a subordinate structure from a range of model templates.

The Model Wizard

New Diagram

Displays the 'New Diagram' dialog, through which you can create a new diagram under the current Package, from a range of diagram templates.

New Element

Displays the 'New Element' dialog, through which you can create new elements within specific tool-sets.

Create Elements


Displays the Properties window, which provides all the properties and characteristics of the selected object such as an element, diagram, connector or operation.

The Properties Window


Displays the Notes window, on which you can add brief notes or longer descriptions and supporting information on the model object.

The Notes Window


Displays the Document window, in which you can read, create or edit a more formal or lengthy document on the current element - a Linked Document. You can also run searches to locate other elements that have Linked Documents, and work on those documents as necessary.

Linked Documents in the Document Window


The 'Tools' group of windows help you to create and develop design and analysis structures in your model, such as specifications, databases and schemas.



See also

Specification Manager

Displays the Specification Manager window, a simple document-based interface to a selected Package or diagram in the model, providing the means of creating and reviewing elements as text representations of objects in the model.

The Specification Manager

Database Builder

Displays the Database Builder window, a tailored interface for the data modeler, allowing all database-related modeling tasks to be performed in a single location.

The Database Builder

Schema Composer

Displays the Schema Composer window, a versatile tool for quickly and easily defining a variety of formal schema from a model, without needing to use a profile or stereotyped elements when building the definition of an XSD (or other) document.

The Schema Composer

DMN Editor

Displays the Decision Table Editor, through which you use the Decision Tables facility as a simple method of applying the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard to model how a decision is made, and generate code for the decisions.

Decision Models

External Systems

Displays the External Data window, which you can use to integrate the data from external providers such as Jira and Polarion into an Enterprise Architect model.

Integrate Data from External Providers

Package Matrix

Displays the Relationship Matrix, a spreadsheet display of relationships between model elements within a Package, or between elements in two different Packages. You can filter the selection of relationships shown.

Relationship Matrix

Gap Analysis

Displays the Gap Analysis Matrix, which you use to analyze model artifacts to identify potential gaps between solutions. It helps you highlight shortfalls between the original or current solution and the proposed improvement - items that have been deliberately omitted, accidentally left out, or not yet defined. 

Gap Analysis Matrix


The 'Diagram' group of windows help you to add objects to the diagrams in your model, and format the diagrams.



See also


Opens the Diagram Toolbox, a panel of icons that you can use to create elements and connectors on a diagram. There are numerous pages available in the Toolbox, each page providing the icons for elements, connectors or patterns for a specific type of diagram under a specific Toolset or Perspective. You can also use the Toolbox icons to add elements to:

  • A Package through the Specification Manager and
  • A Package or an element in the Browser window
Diagram Toolbox

Layout Tools

Displays the Layout Tools window, which helps you to set the elements on a diagram in one of a number of regular arrangements such as a circle, a box or a fan.

Layout Diagrams

Diagram Layers

Displays the Filters & Layers window at the 'Layers' tab, which helps you to hide or expose parts of any diagram in segments that represent any concept that is the basis for separating or grouping the elements on that diagram. The layers can be compared to transparencies laid on top of one another in a stack, each transparency showing one grouping of elements on the diagram.

Diagram Layers

Diagram Filters

Displays the Filters & Layers window at the 'Filters' tab, which helps you to modify the display of diagram components so that the required items are immediately identified, without damaging the structure and integrity of the model.

Diagram Filters

Insert Related Elements

When a diagram is open this option displays the 'Insert Related Elements' dialog, which helps you to add a group of elements to a diagram based on a defined relationship type and element types.

Locate Related Elements