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Run Panel

The 'Run' panel provides a set of buttons for building and running an application that is being analyzed. After making modifications to the code base, you can simply click on 'Build', then click on buttons to begin execution of the updated application, pausing or stepping through code as required. The active Analyzer Script will determine the behavior of the debugger tools, by specifying the commands that are executed as well as the settings and parameters for those commands.

Available Facilities



See also


Click on the drop-down arrow to display a short menu of commands:

  • Debug - start the application, according to the debug options of the active Analyzer Script
  • Run - resume execution of the application process that is currently being debugged - if no process is currently being debugged, then start the application specified in the debug options of the active Analyzer Script and attach the Debugger to that application process
  • Attach to Process - display a list of executing processes, select and attach to a process for the purpose of debugging
  • Test - execute the Test command configured in the current Analyzer Script
  • Show Execution Point - display and highlight the line of source code that corresponds to the current execution point
Run the Debugger


Pause execution of the application being debugged.

Run the Debugger

Step Over

Execute the next line of source code, without pausing inside any methods called by that line. The execution point will move to the next source line in the current context.

Run the Debugger

Step In

Execute the next line of source code, stepping into any method that is called. Execution is paused before executing the first executable line in the called method.

If source code for the called method is not available, the debugger will return immediately to the calling code.

Run the Debugger

Step Out

Automatically run to the end of the current context/method and return to the calling context. Execution will pause again, upon return to the calling context.

Run the Debugger


Clicking on the drop-down arrow displays a short menu providing options to terminate debugging the application.

  • Stop - stops the Debugger and stops the process that is being debugged (the default when you just click on the ribbon icon)
  • Detach - stops the Debugger but leaves the process running
  • Quit Application - stops the Debugger and posts a WM_QUIT message to the main window of the process, if it has one
Run the Debugger