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Object Creation in WebEA

Depending on how the current model has been configured in the WebEA configuration file, and on your security access to the model, you might have the ability to create a range of objects in the model through WebEA. These objects include Packages and diagrams; elements such as Use Cases, Requirements, Components, Changes and Issues; and features of elements such as Tests, Decisions, Defects and Events. You can therefore define additional scope or problems that have arisen, directly in the model, with precision and in detail, adding to the accuracy and quality of the solution that the model represents.

The Project Manager responsible for the model should guide you in how to create objects and in the purpose of you doing so.

In addition to adding new elements you might also be able to edit the Notes of any object regardless of type, and the details of element Tests and Resource Allocations for any element in the model, whether you have created it or not. See the Edit Objects Help topic.

Adding Objects

You can quickly establish if you have the ability to create objects in WebEA by checking the WebEA - Browser or the WebEA Main View - Object List.

If you are able to create objects then the final item in the list will be a '<new>' button.

For example:

New icon

Click on this button to display the 'Add Object' page.



See also

Element type

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the type of object to create. Depending on your security permissions and the model's options, you can create some or all of these objects:

  • Package
  • Diagram
  • Review
  • Actor
  • Change
  • Component
  • Feature
  • Issue
  • Node
  • Requirement
  • Task
  • Use Case


This is an optional field that is only visible when 'Diagram' is selected as the element type.  It allows the selection of a Technology that provides an additional set of diagram types.

Diagram Type

This is an optional field that is only visible when 'Diagram' is selected as the element type. Click on the drop-down arrow and select the type of diagram to create.


Type in an appropriate name for the object, preferably giving some indication of its purpose or function.


Type in a more detailed description of the element, such as why you are creating it and what other elements it might be associated with.

You can format this text using the facilities provided in the Notes toolbar. These are:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Numbered list
  • Bulleted list
  • Superscript text
  • Subscript text
  • Color of selected text


Click on this button to add the new object. This message displays:

     Object added


  • Work through the fields again, defining another new object in this Package, or
  • Click on the Close button to close the dialog.

Add & Close

Click on this button to add the object and also close the dialog.


Click on this button to close the dialog.

Adding Element Features

You can, again, quickly establish if you have the ability to create element features in WebEA, by displaying the Properties of an element in WebEA's WebEA Main View - Object Properties; if the 'Add New' button is displayed before the elment feature buttons ('Notes', 'Usage', etc)

Display the Properties of the element to which you want to add a feature, and click on the 'Add New' button. A menu displays offering options to add to the element each feature that you have the access permissions to create. These features might include:

  • Other Objects
  • Tests
  • Resources
  • Features
  • Changes
  • Documents
  • Defects
  • Issues
  • Tasks, or
  • Risks

Select the appropriate option; a dialog displays in which you complete the fields to define the feature for the element. Each type of feature has a different dialog; refer to these topics for the details appropriate to each dialog.

  • Add Test Records
  • Add Resource Records
  • Add a Feature
  • Add Change Requests
  • Add a Document
  • Add a Defect
  • Add an Issue Notification
  • Add a Task
  • Add a Risk


  • As suggested in the Adding Element Features section, you can also add an object to a Package or to another object within the Main View's 'Object Properties' page; click on the 'Hamburger' icon and select the 'Add Object' option, and complete the 'Add Object' page as described at the start of this topic
  • When using the security 'Lock to Edit' mode, features and child elements can only be created if the element has been locked by the current user (via Enterprise Architect); users require 'Lock Elements' permission to release or set locks on a diagram element

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