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How to configure WebEA Localization
The physical text values of all labels and messages within WebEA are defined in a single file that is read when the web pages are being built. This allows WebEA customers to tailor the content of web pages displayed to their users.
WebEA's default language is English. As pages are built on the server, the WebEA application will check whether there is a defined localization for a string and use that. If a localized version of the string is not defined then WebEA will use the default English value.
The WebEA localization definitions are saved in the file 'webea_strings.ini' in the '\includes\' folder. The localization file is saved in plain text format with each localized string being defined on a separate line with the syntax:
{default_english_string} = "{localized_string}"
Note that:
- Localized string values are enclosed by double quotes
- The configuration file supports comments; the semi-colon character starts a comment
- The supplied 'webea_strings.ini' file includes a definition of all strings used within the WebEA application, therefore there is no need to add any new lines to the file
For example, on the login page the first label is "Select Model" in the English version; however, a French user would want to change this text to:
Select Model = "Sélectionnez le modèle"
The wording of some labels/messages within WebEA requires the names of items to be added to the string displayed. Such replacements are denoted by the %s placeholder. The localized versions of these strings should also include the %s placeholder in the appropriate position.
The other standard replacement that WebEA supports is the replacement of %NN% with a number. For example, in the Watchlist when WebEA detects that elements have been modified recently, this message is used:
%NN% recently modified element%S% = "%NN% recently modified element%S%"
%NN% will be replaced with a count of recently modified elements.
Given the nature of the English language, some of the localized strings support the ability to display words in their plural form. WebEA supports the special substitution of %S% which will replace, %S% with 's' when the supplied number is greater than 1. Using our example, when a single element has been modified recently the message displayed on the watchlist page is:
1 recently modified element
However, when there are five recently modified elements, WebEA would generate the message:
5 recently modified elements