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Using Properties and Parts to Model Block Usage

Blocks are classifiers and describe the characteristics of a set of elements that represent the way the Block is used in a context. When the Block has attributes (value properties) defined these are given specific values in the instances of the Block. Effectively, each Block instance has an identity and typically would have different values assigned that define the Block's state.  Enterprise Architect allows these values to be specified using a Set Run State option available from the context menu.

Internal Block diagrams often show how a Block's parts are connected together in a usage context. Enterprise Architect allows Blocks to be dragged from the Browser window onto a diagram and dropped as Part Properties. These are effectively Parts and represent instances of the Block classifier. An engineer has the opportunity to name these in the context of the diagram. For example, this diagram represents a Brake Assembly that has been modeled, which is indicated in the diagram frame in this format:

ibd [block] Brake Assembly [Master and Wheel Cylinder Parts]

  • ibd - signifies that it is an Internal Block diagram
  • block - signifies the owing element type
  • Brake Assembly - is the name of the element
  • Master and Wheel Cylinder Parts - is the name of the diagram

The engineer has named each of the wheel cylinder parts (Front Left, Front Right, Back Left, Back Right) as these need to be identified with respect to their location in the vehicle, but has decided not to name the master cylinder as no further qualification is required.